Thursday, April 30, 2020

Why Is 40 Weeks of Pregnancy So Important?

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Every motion and every small activity appears uncomfortable and uncomfortable – what with a bulging belly weighing you down like a huge boulder. If just there was a method to quick forward the weeks to get to your due date.

While it’s natural for the majority of pregnant ladies to go through these feelings, going the full course and staying patient can prove to be healthy and helpful in the long run.

Why is it important to wait till 40 weeks of your pregnancy?

Even though your child is considered full term at 37 weeks, staying pregnant until 39-40 weeks has incredible advantages for both, you and your child. Research shows that every week of pregnancy is important for the child’s advancement. If you’ve tracked your pregnancy week by week, you’ll see the rapid progress your child makes throughout every week. The last couple of weeks of pregnancy are as crucial as any other week – as lots of vital organs are still developing at this stage. Consider this, at 35 weeks pregnancy, your infant’s brain is just about 2/3 the size that it would be at 39-40 weeks. This is likewise the period when the folds of the brain – which help co-ordinate the sucking and swallowing action – are developing. Research studies reveal that full term children are able to draw and swallow better than babies born previously.

So if you have actually had a healthy pregnancy up until now, you’ll be doing more excellent than harm by waiting for another couple of weeks to allow your baby to become a healthy complete term baby.

An infant born prior to 37 weeks is considered pre-mature. Unless there is a complication or a medical reason, do not press to have the baby earlier. Because complete term infants are healthier. They have less issues, and need fewer medical interventions. They likewise spend less time in the ICU so they are sent house quicker.

Here’s more reason that you ought to offer your baby 40 weeks of pregnancy

  • The last couple of weeks are crucial for the advancement of infant’s brain, lungs and liver – which are growing at accelerated rates
  • Infants born at 40 weeks are able to suck and swallow better, since of sophisticated muscle advancement
  • Premature babies are at an increased risk of having vision and hearing problems later on in life
  • Throughout the last 6 weeks or pregnancy the connections needed for balance, coordination, discovering, and social functioning is added in the brain. It is likewise during this time that the baby’s brain size doubles in size.
  • A premature baby’s lungs are not fully established at birth, so it’s likely to suffer from breathing problems.
  • Additional fat built up during the last few weeks of pregnancy enables baby to prepare for birth
  • Children born prior to 38 weeks have an increased risk of knowing and behavioral problems
  • Compared to babies born early, full term born infants carry out much better at school due to better industrialized brains
  • An early infant’s liver is underdeveloped and hence unable to perform its function of removing bilirubin from the body. Excess of bilirubin can cause jaundice in early infants.

A peek at pregnancy symptoms at 40 weeks

You remain in the last weeks of pregnancy nearly reached the end of the journey. With the big day simply around the corner, it’s a good concept to keep your hospital bag ready – due to the fact that the infant may pop out at any time. Here are some symptoms that are typical during 40 weeks of pregnancy

  • You might run out of persistence due to sheer tiredness
  • Getting a good night’s sleep might be tough
  • Your body is preparing for labour, so see out for those early signs of labour – like abdominal cramps, bleeding/spotting
  • A lot of females experience the ‘nesting impulse’ – an obsession to clean the house and prepare for baby’s homecoming.
  • Your baby drops further down into the pelvis. As a result you might have some discomfort in the lower abdominal area.
  • Given that the infant has actually been pushed down, it puts in additional pressure on your bladed, increasing the frequency of your check outs to the toilet
  • Often, even before the onset of labour, the water bag may break (rupture of the amniotic sac). It’s usually a sign that labour will start in the next 24 hours.
  • This is also the time when you might experience the Braxton Hicks Contractions. These are irregular, false contractions which might be tough to be distinguished from the real labour.


12 Week Pregnancy Vlog + Baby Bump +Sex talk

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When a Routine Ultrasound Makes Ultrasounds Routine No More

INNOCENT it was, a quiet, sunny, winter’s morning, July First. A Tuesday. Two years ago, today. A day our lives would change.

We thought nothing of it really. Apart from the fact we were going to ‘meet’ our unborn, and see their little 19-week-old body in utero, in the form of pictures, some in a printed form we could take with us. We would see him or her move. Little did we realise at this point we were about to see our baby from this view many more times in the intervening months, many more times than a normal couple might see, and get to know, their unborn baby.

We readied ourselves and set off in the car; us and our then 15-month-old son. A quiet car trip, planning the day out as we went. The strange thing as I look back, those plans soon withered into annihilation. Those plans were very soon forgotten. I have no memory of them.

When life changes in an instant, the present bequeaths to the incoming moments a state that can neither accommodate the past nor plan for the future.

We found our way to this brand-new clinic, within a pristine new hospital complex, where the ultrasound scan would take place. There were still many workers around finishing the place off. We arrived, registered that we were there, found a seat and some toys for our son to play with. I can still picture where we sat and the types of interactions we had with fellow parents-to-be. It was a beautiful moment, pregnant with possibility. We really had no idea what was about to hit us.

Being invited in for the scan itself, we were impressed with how well behaved our young son was. But, for some reason, the sonographer was taking such a long time to sort herself out. It seemed to take her longer to get the views she needed to do our scan. When she couldn’t see the heart at the right angle, she invited us to go and grab a coffee and return in thirty minutes. At that point I was impressed with myself that I was able to pick out our foetus’ kidneys (which were remarkably prominent in the scan – little did I know that was not a good sign). Suspecting nothing was amiss we did as was suggested, and so we went for some morning tea.

I had to shift the car because the ticket had run out, so my wife took my son up to the ultrasound scanning rooms and I followed them minutes later. Upon arriving I sat in the same seat in the waiting room as I had beforehand.

Then, a minute later, there was a glimpse of Sarah – something wasn’t right.

She gestured to come into the room.

Sarah took up her position on the chair and the sonographer came into the room with a gentleman in his fifties – one of the chief consultants. They reran the scan, talking a different language briefly, before they asked Sarah to get dressed. We were then ushered into the consultant’s office. He was very nice. Being too nice.

Something was wrong, but we really still had no idea how wrong things were.

There wasn’t that much said, but this consultant felt like Dr. Phil.

He gave us the medical prognosis first, very matter-of-factly, then the plan for what next – how ‘treatment’ would change. Then he said words etched into our memory:

“You’ve got to be strong for each other…
[his eyes welling up with tears at this stage]…
there’s a very long road ahead.”

In the disbelief of shock, yet knowing this is real, I said something without thought: “I suspect we’ll be thanking God for our faith.” The doctor then said, “I thank God for your faith now… ! Thank you so much for making this easy for me.” He then respectfully ushered us out of the rooms, a place I now felt as if we no longer belonged or were worthy of – a place of life, where we were now agents for death. In a very short timeframe our understanding of where we were and what we were doing was obliterated.

From that moment, everything changed. The drive home. Being home. Having family there. ‘Words of comfort’ fell flat, and some well-meaning people infuriated us, even when they said innocuous things. Vulnerable in a second. We were in the throes of such an ambiguous grief, and those days grew into weeks, and only through the months did grief morph into something pliable for use; for me, lament in reflection and the simply resolve to keep going. Sarah was always pragmatic, except for the sudden moments she’d be thrown; every few days or so, in her own private way. Our faith did help, and heaven knows, your prayers helped enormously.

It helps to think back with fondness, only two years ago, to a time God knew we could endure, even if we didn’t have His confidence.

For the times coming for some of you, where the moment changes things, irrevocably, know that you have enough, and are enough, in the Lord your God.

It is well with our souls. Even in the midst of that Tuesday morning, it was well with our souls. Because we know Christ. (And I laugh now, because this July 1st Sarah is very happy; to be buying new camera gear! Her conversation with her father this morning: “Guess what, it’s the first of July!” Dad sources Sarah’s camera gear, and it’s new financial year. Life does move on.)

Christ is a friend for every horrid occasion and every sordid temptation; a friend we never thought we’d need; in the way we know now.

But oh such a friend, for such seasons as these!

© 2016 S.J. Wickham.


When Your Sweetheart Gets Pregnant

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Pregnancy, The Best Time to Submerge Your Baby in Prayer

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Thinking about having a baby? Already pregnant? Pregnancy is a weekly, educational devotional that goes beyond describing the baby’s physical development. It combines God’s word with the studies in the field of prenatal memory. Research has confirmed that some of the experiences the baby has in the womb are being imprinted in its inner being. If you desire to connect with your baby and your baby with God, then Pregnancy is the book for you. Each week the baby describes itself in a joyful and sometimes amusing way. It speaks to its parents about its physical development during that week and glorifies God. This is followed by prayers based on the Bible, for the parents to pray for each organ in development, as well as the baby’s soul and spirit. Pregnancy covers the forty weeks of gestation, including the preconception period and the day of delivery. Pregnancy may be shared with your loved ones. Invite them to do something special and unforgettable by joining you in prayer. You will also find support guides for when the baby is not initially wanted, the experience of an abortion, and when you suffer the loss of a baby during pregnancy. Pregnancy will help you enjoy all the stages of your baby’s development and imprint special memories of love and acceptance in its inner self. You will be setting the foundation for the spiritual and social-emotional identity of your unborn child for the rest of its life.

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Can Infertility Be Avoided?

Having infants and infertility are normally the last thing that people consider when they are young people. Their thoughts are usually taken in with studying further, building a career, or taking a trip the world. Discovering a life partner and having infants is not at the top of the list. That is the best time to take care of your body and to not harm it internally. If you look after your body, infertility might be avoided or minimised.

If that is so, how can infertility be prevented?

There are a specific lifestyle changes that you can incorporate into your day-to-day routine that will keep your body healthy. These are the lifestyle modifications you can make.

Stop Cigarette Smoking. Yes, it is obvious. Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to your body in so many methods. It can affect nearly every organ in your body with hazardous contaminants. Smoking triggers the deterioration of your body internally which decreases their function, so your organs will not work efficiently in the future. This includes your reproductive system.

Decrease Alcohol. Consuming alcohol periodically is not a big offer however binge drinking frequently can have hazardous outcomes on your body and your reproductive system. Alcohol is hazardous to sperm, it interrupts the hormones, and increases the risk of miscarriage.

Eat Healthy. Include well-balanced eating habits that include carbohydrates, protein and fibre. Consume enough vegetables and fruits, and drink a lot of water. Reduce processed foods and unhealthy food that have no dietary worth. When your body is healthy on the within it operates remarkably.

Manage Your Weight. If you are obese, lower your weight with good eating practices and routine exercise. A good average weight will ensure that you do not establish any weight related illnesses, therefore your organs will have the ability to function optimally.

Regular Cervical Smears. Women should go to a gynaecologist regularly for a cervical smear. This screening procedure can lower the occurrence of cancer.

Wear Loose Underwear. Men ought to prevent wearing tight underwear as this can reduce the sperm count. It is recommended to use loose fitting underwear such as boxer shorts. Also prevent added heat around the testicles such as taking hot baths, as this can impair sperm production.

A healthy lifestyle can minimise your possibilities of infertility Take care of your body at an early age to make sure the correct functioning of your reproductive system. Then when you decide to have a baby, it will be much easier.


Surprise! We're Pregnant

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Grandparents to be unwittingly open a birthday present containing individualized Mickey Ears that say “Grandmother” and “Grandpa”.

What Are The Health Dangers Connected With The Morning-After Pill?

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The Emergency Birth Control Pill (ECP) is a pill that is utilized to avoid pregnancy after sexual intercourse has actually been finished. These tablets are not a replacement of routine birth control such as prophylactics etc as it does not help in security from STDs.

People utilize this tablet really typically and wind up abusing it more and end up with its adverse results. An ECP hold-ups ovulation, minimising the chances of fertilisation, however also disrupts the regular menstruation. Any disturbance with a body’s regular process will have its repercussions like much heavier bleeding throughout and in between periods, serious cramps, abdominal pains mild to extreme, weight gain, depression/ state of mind swings, increase in blood pressure, and increased danger of ectopic pregnancies.

These-night-after-pills might cause irregular durations, thus are kept booked for those “emergency situation” scenarios only since they have other long-term unfavorable impacts as well. They are produced particular age groups only and if utilized improperly, may end up being ineffective or may even close down your reproductive tract totally, for this reason are never ever recommended.

Multiple doses of ECP’s if taken throughout the exact same cycle, are likewise shown to be inefficient in preventing ovulation, suggesting a female can get pregnant even after taking these tablets.

Be free from stress that you can prevent.

Emergency birth control pills are recommended for occasional use just after unguarded intercourse. They are definitely not recommended for routine use as a continuous contraceptive method due to the fact that of the greater possibility of failure than oral contraceptive tablets. Regular use of these tablets can result in more side-effects, like menstrual irregularities as mentioned, although their repeated usage postures no recognized long term health threats.

Emergency birth control pills just avoid pregnancy. They are not handy in terminating pregnancy at all. It is very important to prevent giving this to a woman who already has a validated pregnancy for any reason. If a lady still takes the pills after she ends up being pregnant, however, research suggests that the drugs will not damage either her or her fetus. Nevertheless, these 2 drugs are not used for termination of pregnancy.

Don’t worry about all the choices yourself. Talk To a Gynaecologist about your issues and assist discover a much safer service.

WHO suggests that a copper-bearing IUD to be used. Copper T as an emergency situation contraceptive should be inserted at a lot of within 5 days of vulnerable sexual intercourse. This method is also best for a female who wants to start using a highly reliable, long-acting and reversible method of contraception.


Dhar Mann

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Are You Pregnant?

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Throwing Up

In the extremely early phase of pregnancy you may feel like throwing up in every hour of the day. Lots of ladies experience disease in the morning (early morning illness), some in the afternoon or evening, others feel throwing up throughout the whole day. There is no description regarding why pregnant women feel this and even a service as to how to prevent it – nevertheless, consuming little regular meals, and snacking on saltine crackers appears to give some kind of relief. Eating a protein/carbo-hydrate at bedtime (attempt an apple and a glass of milk) tends to lessen the queasiness that occurs in the morning.

Shortness of Breath

As you may be pregnant, you may get out of breath going up the terrace or on stairs suddenly. The growing fetus requires oxygen, leaving you a little short. This one might continue throughout your pregnancy period, specifically as your growing infant starts to put pressure on your lungs.


Throughout pregnancy your body produces extra fluids, which has your bladder working overtime-and you taking a great deal of bathroom break. Pregnancy causes the uterus to swell and it will begin to expand for the growing fetus. The uterus puts pressure on your bladder making you feel the requirement for more regular urination. Lots of pregnant ladies begin to feel this sign within a week or two after pregnancy has actually occurred.


Is your back is a little bit unpleasant? If you do not typically have pain in the back, it could indicate your muscles are loosening up. This may continue through your pregnancy as your weight gain and shifting center of gravity throw your posture out of whack.

Food Craving

Now if you have a yearning for a great deal of different food. If you observe food concerns that weren’t there earlier, it might be your body informing you you’re pregnant. Food cravings can be a sign of pregnancy. You’re most likely go off specific tastes in the beginning, though, perhaps even prior to you’ve missed out on a duration. You may notice a metallic taste in your mouth, or discover that you can’t face your morning coffee or a food you normally like, such as mutton, dal, dalia etc.

Durations Missed Out On

Light area of blood may happen approximately 10-15 days from ovulation. It generally takes place around the very same time you would have gotten your duration. Some ladies assume they have actually started their period when in truth they are pregnant. The finding is triggered from implantation which is when the fertilized egg burrows into the endometrial lining.


When standing in one place you may feel woozy and even faint at in some cases. The growing uterus compresses major arteries in your legs which triggers your blood pressure to drop making you incredibly light headed. When not consuming frequently enough it triggers low blood sugar level. Blood sugar is the main source of food for your baby so it will be exhausted far more rapidly. Skipping meals might trigger you to feel faint.

Inflamed Breast

As Soon As you have to do with six – 7 weeks pregnant, your breasts might become progressively delicate. It’s similar to how they feel prior to you have a period. You may notice that your breasts are bigger and swollen, with blue veins noticeable just listed below the skin. Inflammation tends to be most typical in the very first trimester, relieving as pregnancy progresses. Breasts might be very warm, swollen and begin to enlarge. Often times the veins within the breast will end up being more visible. Your nipples may start to darken in color, end up being more delicate. These signs are because of increasing quantity of HCG hormonal agent that starts at implantation. Tender and heavy-feeling breasts, darkening of the areolas and a lot more pronounced veins on your chest can be a first sign that you’re pregnant. Use your most supportive bra-to bed if you require it-to aid ease pain. This Inflamed Breast produces milk which in future helps in breastfeeding.


If you’re unexpectedly tired, it might be an action to the increasing hormones in your body. For many women, fatigue continues through the very first trimester period. This is pretty apparent that you fall asleep or feel tired within five minutes after lying on the bed. When pregnant your body is going through some major hormone modifications. Your temperature is also higher due to the amount progesterone circulating through your body which will also make you feel a little slow.


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Throughout Which Week of Pregnancy Is Child's Gender Determined?

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At That Time, when medical science was not so sophisticated, there were plenty of old other halves’ tales to anticipate the gender of the child. Despite the fact that there was no reasoning or clinical evidence, it was blindly believed for a number of years, till medical technology was able to offer us precise information. In truth, these superstitious notions aren’t dead yet! A lot of them continue to exist in several parts of the world. If you are among those who want to participate in some fun and guess the sex of your child, you might attempt connecting to a few of these misconceptions. But if you’re truly distressed to understand your child’s gender, the best and most reliable method is to do it the clinical way.

Some of the typical techniques that physicians utilize to advise the sex of the child are:


This is among the most precise methods to find out the sex of the infant. The ultrasound scan is normally done in the very first and second trimester. High frequency waves which are inaudible to the human ear produce images of the baby while it’s inside the uterus. The ultrasound which is done in the 2nd trimester – around 18-20 weeks, will be able to figure out the baby’s sex. But here again, it depends on the position of the baby. If the infant’s legs are crossed over, the ultrasound technician may not be able to get a clear view.


This is a blood test which is performed on pregnant females with a high-risk of carrying a baby with a hereditary or chromosomal disorder. This test, done around 16 weeks of pregnancy, includes getting rid of a percentage of the amniotic fluid through a needle placed into the uterus. It is during the course of the chromosomal study, that the sex of the child is exposed. A Y chromosome implies it’s a boy, and the absence of it suggests it’s a girl. This test is understood to be 100% fool evidence and can be done as early as 12 weeks. 12 weeks is likewise time when you will experience pregnancy signs like coloring of the skin due to a spike in the hormonal agent levels, movement of the uterus from the pelvic to the abdomen location, a slight reducing in early morning sickness and an increase in the vaginal discharge.

Other gender predictor methods

The Chinese gender predictor is an enjoyable method of discovering your baby’s sex, based on the ancient Chinese gender chart. This chart, thought to be more than 700 years old uses your age at the time of conception as a reference to predict your infant’s sex. There is no clinical evidence to this chart, Rumors have it that this method is 90% precise. It is much better not to rely on it and utilize it only for home entertainment purposes.


Pregnancy Trick - Compilation

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Pregnant time is one of the most difficult and unanticipated in every females’s life! Excellent, if the partner is around. Like Ava and Cado!
This two always have stunning adventures together!
Pregnancy, to be continued, let’s see!




Music by Epidemic Noise:

7 Things Pregnant Ladies Need to Look After Before Delivery

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There are a great deal of times when you are confused about planning the future and pregnancy is one of those times. Females need to consider a great deal of options they have in terms of childbirth. Here are some suggestions that’ll assist you decide in these matters.

1. Choose your hospital: Where you will provide is the biggest concern that pregnant mommies have to handle. Pick a hospital which is closest to you and that is comfy for you given that you’ll be spending rather a fundamental part of your pregnant time there. Also keep in mind that specific locations are more affordable than the rest, so make sure to discover any discounts prior to you leap in. Consult your insurance service provider about the accessibility of your insurance coverage and the coverage particularly.

2. Antenatal classes: These are talks held by specialists and physicians who teach about pregnancy, how you should prepare for labor & & delivery, about parenting and lactation. Make sure to participate in at least one of these. Many hospitals offer it as a part of the course or a plan. It assists you clear your doubts and develop a better relation with your partner in comprehending what you are going through.

3. Breastfeeding consultation: Lactation specialists often are provided at the time of delivery, but I recommend getting a viewpoint early on, so that you understand what to expect and what are things you can consume and avoid before your baby suffers. Likewise it is a great change psychologically to have a newborn lock on, and this consultation assists you comprehend the process better.

4. Scans (Ultrasound): One fantastic expense that will be whirling around your pocket throughout the whole pregnancy will be getting those scans done. This is typically not a part of the insurance protection and you may not need all of them. Speak to your physician beforehand, due to the fact that the majority of doctors after years of experience simply go by the routine protocol where they have a set of rules to go by, without examining whether you truly need it or not, so ask for personalization.

5. Pick your doctor & & your child’s: Your physician or care service provider is the most important part of your pregnancy planning because he/she then has the guiding wheel of your pregnancy and can drive it in the ideal direction. Option of options these days consists of medical professionals( general), midwives (doulas), Obstetricians (Gynaecologists), or experienced family and friends. Together with this comes the responsibility of your kid, so find a great doctor who can answer your concerns. If possible, schedule a see to get to know each other in the 3rd trimester and see if he can assist you in any decisions you may require assist with.

6. Vitamins in pregnancy: A great deal of pregnancies get noticed later on when moms miss that important time of development of the child when he requires prenatal vitamins and supplements most. Take care not to lose time with it and start taking helpful nutrition before planning an infant. If you were not aware of the pregnancy, then ensure you get a physician to speak and recommend the required supplements. Normally folic acid is prescribed to many ladies in the first trimester, calcium & & iron supplements in the second trimester and any medications personally needed for your body in the 3rd trimester.

7. Workout or yoga sessions: Not all pregnant females can perform the same workouts as others. Some females are prohibited from workout, depending upon their case and condition. But if your doctor has actually allowed you to work out, it is best to do so. Those who have actually been exercising prior to pregnancy can continue the same but at a lighter pace, however be sure you don’t burn yourself out. Likewise raising weights is strictly not permitted and particular other positions. Yoga and breathing workouts are specialized for pregnant girls and you can join classes for the same that will assist you develop a stamina for the labor & & delivery process.

Hope you found these tips beneficial and if you did, ensure to share it with others who also might. Once again thanks for reading and discuss your ideas in the remarks section listed below.

pregnancy (Third trimester).

How to sleep during pregnancy || Best Sleeping Position during pregnancy

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How to sleep during pregnancy
Best Sleeping Position during position

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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mom & Baby at 29 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect?

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This is the first week of your final trimester. Your baby has to grow some more to reach the required birth weight. He has his organs maturing now which demands more nutrients each day. So it is important that you have your daily intake of calcium, folic acid, iron etc. It has now become a time pass for you to track his movements because he is doing a lot of it in there. Read on to find out more about 29 weeks of pregnancy.

How your life changing in this 29th Week:

Your baby is now doing all sorts of movements and keeping your time ticking. You would have already been advised to keep a check on your active baby by counting the kicks every hour. Do let the doctor know if you feel he is less active.

You may develop varicose veins as the blood volume has increased in pregnancy. As a result, the blood vessels are swollen. This can happen in your rectum also, called hemorrhoids. But, it is nothing to worry as they become normal after delivery.

The hormone progesterone relaxes a number of muscles in your body which results in slow digestion. This causes constipation and heartburn in many of you. It is a good idea to have a diet rich in fiber so that you don’t get constipation. You could also drink plenty of water and do regular exercises.

Most of you may not be able to see you legs anymore when you stand all because of your expanding belly. With the increasing weight, you may feel dizzy when you lie on your back or suddenly stand up. You could sleep on your side and change your positions slowly so that these spins don’t bother you.

Baby’s growth on 29th weeks Pregnant:

By week 29, your baby has a weight of about three pounds. In the coming weeks, he doubles or triples his weight. His wrinkled skin becomes smoother with the white fat deposited under his skin. This fat acts as a source of energy for him to do all the movements.

As already mentioned, your baby is active more than ever. You may keep counting his kicks every day. You feel these jabs more intense because of the bigger baby and lesser space in your uterus. He responds to everything like light, sound and your movements.

His organs like lungs are on the way to being mature and his head grows bigger to accommodate the brain. His bones require a lot of calcium now that they are strengthening. You may continue drinking your daily glass of milk or replace it with calcium rich orange juice or yogurt.

There are more developments happening this week. He starts forming teeth-buds for permanent teeth in his gums. Let’s say he has built the foundation for those sparkling white teeth!

More info about this 29th week:

You are likely to have urinary infections in this month. Make sure that you talk to your doctor if you feel a burning sensation down there when you pee.

Now, here is a way to do the kick count. While your baby is active, keep your feet raised in a comfortable position. Start counting the kicks. If you get less than 10 movements in an hour, speak to your doctor about it.

It is common to feel your legs swelled up or numb during this period. Ensure that you move about enough during the day and include iron in your food. You may have noticed your breasts leaking colostrums, the first milk for the baby. Take precautions like keeping breast pads to ease the discomfort.

Some of you may start having migraines in the third trimester. You may lie down quietly in a dark room for relief as taking medicines is not much recommended at this time. You may notice that your nails are dry and brittle these days and growing at a very fast rate. Trim them regularly to keep them healthy.

To learn more about Pregnancy week by week, visit Healthy future’s website:


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11 Ways To An Enjoyable Pregnancy

Find out ways to make this lovely time of your life unforgettable and fun! It won’t matter if this is your first or not, each pregnancy is special and you will wish to make it a life-long memory!

Cardi B Revealed Ellen How She Got Pregnant

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Rapper Cardi B visited Ellen for the first time, and spoke about exposing her pregnancy on “SNL,” then discussed simply how she got pregnant … by revealing pictures of her twerking at Coachella.

All That You Required To Learn About Pregnancy Pillows

Pregnancy is one of those stages in a female’s life when she experiences a great deal of modifications in her body. Daily activities like sleeping become uncomfortable for a pregnant female. Every early morning she awakens with discomfort in her neck, back, arms, legs, stomach and other parts of the body. Due to the weight in her belly, she is not able to lay straight, on her back, on her sides or in any position for more than about half an hour at a stretch. If you have experienced all of these problems, now is the correct time for you to start using pregnancy pillows. These pillows supply ultimate rest and security for your back and make sure that you get an excellent night’s sleep. There are lots of types of such pillows available in the market today. Here are some of the basic ideas that you require to understand before you continue to purchase one for yourself:

1. Size of the pillow

You can select pillows for one specific part of your body or for supplying support for your whole body. Pillows that can be utilized for securing simply one part are referred to as wedge pillows. These wedge pillows come in various sizes and can be utilized as rests for your backs, arms, legs, stomach, etc. Among the biggest benefits of having wedge pillows is that you get to sleep conveniently without compromising the area on your bed. If you are looking for supporting your entire body, you must select full-length pillows that can be found in straight or versatile patterns. You can hug these pillows and rest your full body against them while sleeping, so that you don’t turn feel any stress on your body when you get up.

2. Fillings inside the pillow

Pregnancy pillows include different kinds of fillings and they are priced based on the quality of these fillings. Styrofoam, polyester fiber and micro-bead fillings are the most typical types utilized by producers today. Out of these, Styrofoam pillows are the least costly; however, they need to be utilized with care as they give out great deals of sound when being twisted and turned around. Polyester fibre is less loud and is softer than Styrofoam however it is not suggested due to the fact that this product is extremely firm and doesn’t give the desired versatility for you to move throughout the nights. Micro-bead fillings are thought about to the very best choice as they are made up of very little beads and do not create any sound at all when they are moved. Also, these pillows are very light to carry and supply ultimate assistance for pregnant women throughout their sleep.

You need to pick pillows that are smaller sized than the size of your bed, if you don’t desire your room to look untidy. The pillows that you choose should be made of toxic-free and hypoallergenic materials due to the fact that pregnant ladies are susceptible to infections and allergic reactions. You need to select a pillow that is quite firm, so that it offers you the wanted support throughout tough nights.


Identical Twins PREGNANT with TWINS for 24 Hours! *not real*

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First, we want to make sure it’s absolutely clear that this is just a challenge video, and that we’re NOT actually pregnant! Many YouTubers have taken on this 24-hr pregnancy challenge, so we thought we’d try it but with… #TWINS! 🤰🏼🤰🏻

Our mom was #pregnant with Brooklyn and me when she wasn’t that much older than we are. She often reminded us about how hard it was being pregnant with us, you know, like all moms and the “You have no idea what my body went through for you” statements we get? So, we really wanted to wear BIG twin bellies to get an idea of mostly what our mom went through. Obviously, this is not the same thing, since pregnant women IRL go through so much more, including morning sickness, food cravings, some bed rest, lots of uncomfortable pain, and for much longer! 😂 We at least got a small taste of what being pregnant would be like, and MAD PROPS TO ALL WOMEN out there who endure pregnancy to bring us into this world!

The big silicone bellies that we carried were 14+ pounds each! It might not sound like a lot, but on top of it being heavy, it’s just “awkward” to suddenly have a stomach that size overnight!

Our bellies would get in the way of EVERYTHING, and we were EXHAUSTED by the end of the #24hours! Women are truly super heroes for going through all this for NINE months… and men seriously have NO CLUE what it is like! 😅

During the day, we went to Target to shop for maternity clothes, had a #GenderReveal party with our team, and even sent our dad out to fulfill one of our late night “cravings.” 😂 (I have to say, we could get used to having someone go to the store in the middle of the night to get us ice cream!)

All in all, we really do think that everyone should participate this challenge, simply to appreciate what our mom’s went through to bring us into this world! It is also helpful for teenagers to get a small glimpse and understand the REAL implications of pregnancy and its consequences, including hardships the body faces during the 9-month gestation period. This is serious stuff, people, a lot that we can learn.

So, this experience taught us a lot and seriously gave us such an appreciation for all women, like our mom, who do this for REAL! Driving was hard, sleeping was impossible, we felt pains in places we never anticipated, and every-day tasks just seemed way more difficult than before. Women are incredible, strong creatures that can nurture and bring life to a tiny living human! We all have so much respect for each and every one of you women out there!

Please give this video a 👍🏻 if you enjoyed the video, and leave a COMMENT BELOW if you think BOY YOUTUBERS should try this 24hr pregnancy challenge! Say… the Dolan Twins, the Dobre Twins, or even Jake & Logan Paul? I bet Brent Rivera would!

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Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old, A Step by Step Prepare For Baby Sleep Success

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In this simple, straightforward book, a popular child sleep specialist delivers her remarkably effective service that will get any baby to sleep for 12 hours a night– and 3 hours in the day– by the age of 12 weeks.

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How To Stay Cool When Overheating & Pregnant During Summer?

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Being pregnant is an exciting feeling, however being pregnant during the summer months can be a tiring experience. Pregnancy, irrespective of the weather causes hormonal imbalances within the body which increases the core body temperature. Hyperthermia or overheating can be a real cause for concern for expecting mothers. It can even lead to dehydration that can cause loss of blood supply to the baby.

There are some symptoms that can provide prior intimation of overheating during pregnancy. They are as follows:

  • Feeling dehydrated or thirsty
  • Feeling dizzy or light-headed
  • Nausea
  • Increased heart rate

However there are certain factors that need to be adhered to in order to prevent overheating among pregnant women.

Drinking lots of water – Notwithstanding pregnancy, drinking plenty of water during summer months is a must. But for pregnant women, it is extremely important to keep their bodies hydrated throughout the months of summer.

Wearing breathable clothes – As previously mentioned, pregnancy causes a rise in the body temperature, so wearing clothes that are light coloured and loose will allow the skin to stay cool. Cotton fabrics are ideal.

Remain indoors – Although it is good for pregnant women to take walks and do light exercises, however, during summer it is best to schedule the walks after sunset, so as to limit heat exposure.

Avoid coffee – An antenatal teacher for the National Childbirth Trust, Ruthie Pearlman, has stated that the rise in core body temperature can be due to caffeine intake as it tends to increase blood pressure. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women should avoid coffee.

Eating cooling foods – Foods such as cucumber, watermelon, fresh peas and lettuce have a cooling effect on the body and as such are useful for pregnant women who are suffering from the effects of overheating.

Try Swimming – Swimming is an idyllic activity for pregnant women. Not only does it cool the body but it is also an excellent form of exercise to keep the expecting mother fit, while also avoiding overheating.

Sleep as much as possible – Sleep is essential for the body to relax and it is also important for pregnant women to rest as much as possible. Thus, sleeping not only relieves the body from exhaustion but also prevents overheating.

Even though the summer heat and humidity can make it unpleasant, it may still be possible to love and endure the hot summer months while pregnant. Be at the top of your game with ways to beat the heat during pregnancy and you may end up enjoying a healthy, cool and relaxing summer.


Pregnancy and Giving birth

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Pregnancy and Childbirth

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Foods That Enhance Fertility: The Magic of a Suitable Diet

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A study conducted by the World Health Organisation revealed that up to 10.1% of women across the world or about 48.5 million women could not have a child in 2010: a number so depressingly high that it might just ruin your day. What is sadder than a mother with an unfilled cradle? Ask any OB/GYN and you’ll know that female fertility is a very complex phenomenon that depends on a lot of things: hormone imbalances, tumours, problems with the reproductive system, and stress and anxiety being only the tip of the iceberg. So no, this article is not going to tell you about a miracle cure you can find in your kitchen. However, what we do want you to know, is that based on recently published research, switching to an appropriate diet can lead to an 80% decrease in female infertility. Here’s how it can happen:

Replenish Your Iron Levels

The key thing to remember when trying to conceive is that you are still menstruating – a process known to decrease iron levels. Low blood iron content can lead to anaemia which adversely affects your fertility, so your primary concern should be eating foods high in iron. These include all kinds of beans and lentils, and vegetables that are green and leafy (think spinach and kale). Abundant research has also shown that Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron, so don’t forget to eat those ‘tangy’ fruits such as oranges, kiwis, and bell peppers.

RED FLAG: Meat, while being a source of iron, should be avoided when trying to conceive. According to a 2014 paper by Myriam Afeiche of Harvard University [1], consuming meat, including chicken and turkey, leads to a 32% drop in female fertility. If at a loss for iron-rich foods, it is better to take an iron supplement than to regularly consume meat.

Eggs and Fish for Protein

The same Harvard study mentioned above also tells us that fish is one of the healthiest sources of protein for women looking to conceive. They do not adversely affect fertility but are packed with significant amounts of essential fatty acids that aid the division of cells in your reproductive system, which increase the odds of you producing a healthy ovum in time for fertilisation.

Eggs are important because other than protein, they are also rich in the B-Vitamins. Of these, B12 is the most important as a sufficient intake of vitamin B12 has been linked to a remarkable decrease in birth defects, and speaking of Vitamins…

Boost Essential Vitamins

Eating a handful of nuts (peanuts, walnuts, almonds, take your pick) lead to a marked increase in female sex drive because of the high concentration of Vitamin E, and a higher sex drive implies better fertility. Also, drinking one serving of whole milk a day will prevent the chances of infertility during ovulation because of its high vitamin D content. If you’re lactose intolerant, have probiotic yogurt instead.

Addendum: Maintaining Your Weight

We have recommended whole milk, eggs, nuts, and some other foods that contain fat, because pregnant women need certain fats in their body to prepare them for pregnancy. However, being overweight or underweight can also affect your baby’s health. It is important, therefore, to engage in light exercises such as Kegels to keep your weight within the BMI range.

Works Cited

Chavarro, J. E., Rich-Edwards, J. W., Rosner, B. A., & Willett, W. C. (2008). Protein intake and ovulatory infertility. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 198(2), 210.e1-210.e7.

pregnancy (Third trimester)

Pregnant African Woman Declined Entry Into Medical Facility In China

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A pregnant lady was rejected entry into the females’s healthcare facility in China. The manager told the worker to not permit Africans inside of the health center.

Hosted by Phillip Scott

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Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy, Diagnosis and Management of Maternal and Fetal Disease

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An updated and expanded edition of the standard book on diagnosis and management of maternal and fetal disease. This practical clinical guide gives information on typical labors and deliveries of the different cardiac diagnoses discussed, supported by excellent EKGs and charts which simplify the information. In straightforward language this book provides detailed descriptions and explanations of the tests and procedures done prenatally, during labor, and postnatally. Each chapter is laid out with numerous headings for quick reference.

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i got my friend's girlfriend pregnant..

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Main channel video featuring Dub, TeeTee, Ty, Kmoore, Tutweezy, & TeeTee boyfriend!!! –
ig: poudii
tik tok: @poudi (with 1 i)

De-Stressing During Pregnancy: 10 Actions

Pregnancy is a vulnerable time for the mother and the baby. Although being stressed is a normal and expected part of pregnancy, exaggerating it can have a negative influence on your body and the health of your infant. Excessive stress can result in high levels of stress and anxiety which can lead to hampering your baby’s psychological development.

Following are ten easy methods which you can de-stress yourself:

1. Rest – Not having the ability to sleep or rest correctly can often trigger tension during pregnancy. Since pregnancy brings not just hormone however also physical modifications, often women discover it challenging to get a comfortable position to sleep in. Try utilizing as lots of pillows as you require, to make yourself comfortable while you sleep.

2. Interact with your partner – Many a times, individual concerns associating with financial resources or family issues are the significant cause of stress that women suffer during pregnancy. Hormone changes throughout pregnancy can also increase psychological reactions that can likewise cause tension. Speaking to your partner about things that are bothering you, or are making you unhappy, can go a long method in not simply bringing you closer to your partner but also relaxing your mind.

3. Working Out – Although pregnancy tends to take a toll on a lady’s body and working out definitely does not appear like an appealing job, however, a bit of exercising can really help you de-stress. Exercises like yoga, swimming, and moderating can relieve your mind of the fatigue and exhaustion.

4. Talk a walk – Though it is not really various from working out, however walking in the morning or evening and getting an opportunity to take in the fresh air around is not just helpful for the health of your baby however can also be a significant de-stressing tool for you.

5. Listen to music – Music has actually been known as an efficient methods of de-stressing in any circumstance. Listening to soothing melodies is a very powerful way to calm down your nerves.

6. Laughing – Laugh as typically as possible because it reduces the cortisol level in your body, which permits your brain to launch chemicals called endorphins that can lighten your mood.

7. Consuming appropriately – It is exceptionally vital to keep a healthy and balanced diet during your pregnancy. Consuming foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been known to decrease depression.

8. Reading – Checking out is known to be a basically peaceful activity. Try reading books that stimulate your interest, or even re-read your favourite books to help take your mind off the stress and anxiety surrounding your pregnancy.

9. Take massages – Going to the health club or taking a massage in the house are both exceptional ways to de-stress. You can even ask your partner to occasionally offer you foot rubs.

10 Be prepared – Once your pregnancy is verified, it is best to begin preparing yourself for the coming months. Going over monetary matters with your partner, preparing your home for your child, making decisions relating to cable blood banking, and so on, are necessary. The sooner you solve these issues, the more tension free you will be regarding your pregnancy.

If your anxiety and tension continues to continue, contact your medical practitioner as quickly as possible.



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PREGNANCY is that wonderful celebration in life, too precious to be interrupted by irrational fears or unnecessary apprehensions brought on by the lack of basic, reputable details. This book will inform you all about giving birth, answering concerns about weight gain, appropriate diet, workouts, breathing patterns, positions to adopt throughout labour, and postnatal care of both yourself and the child. Scientific and dependable, the book also provides indispensable, tried and true home remedies.

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Pregnancy Nutrition: 9 Food Groups That Will Have You Bursting With Energy

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Have you lately felt that you just don’t have the drive to indulge in things that you’ve enjoyed in the past? Of course… you are pregnant. Whilst, there’s not much physical evidence of it in the first trimester, one still has to realise that you are making that little person inside you. It is solid hard work. Probably the hardest work that your body has done so far.

Just to keep powering the baby making venture round the clock, remember that your body is producing more blood with increased heart rates. Even if you choose to rest, your body metabolism tends go on an energy burning overload. Additionally, with your body still in the process of forming the baby’s placenta, especially in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy, it uses up more nutrients and water.

No wonder you feel tired and exhausted all the time! Thinking of opening the refrigerator and munching on that chocolate you’ve been saving… or maybe that Red Bull your partner has left behind? Think again. Pregnancy is a very delicate time for your body and choosing a temporary quick fix with canned energy boosters is not ideal. Infact, the sugar and caffeine combination actually makes your blood sugar go a quick rise and then goes on a severe dip leaving you feeling more fatigued.

So, here’s a list of energy bursting food group that should definitely be a part of your pregnancy diet:

1. Proteins: It is the greatest natural “lift-me-up” especially since the amino acids present in protein rich foods assist in the growth of your baby’s reproducing cells.

· Eggs

· Beans or Lentils

· Nuts

· Chicken

· Milk, cheese and yogurt (for those who can tolerate dairy)

2. Complex Carbohydrates: Lowers you cholesterol levels as well as keeps proving nourishment for your baby.

· Oatmeal, Whole grain bread, crackers and low sugar cereal

· Fresh fruit

· Fresh veggies, Baked potato with skin

3. Calcium: Great at making the heart, nerves, muscles, teeth and bones healthy.

· Yogurt and milk

· Green beans

· Fish

· Almonds

4. Iron: If tiredness is the cause of keeping a fairly active pregnant woman indoors, then iron-deficiency anaemia may be a probable cause especially with the over demand of blood as the pregnancy progresses. Supplement your diet with iron-rich foods that will push up your energy levels.

· Spinach, Chickpeas, Broccoli, Beans

· Fortified cereal

· Pumpkin seeds

· Lean red meat

· Lentils

· Raisins and dried apricots

· Pasta

· Poultry

5. Vitamins: Ideal for protecting your immune system and helps you fight tiredness. Additionally, vitamins help to keep your baby healthy during the pregnancy period.

· Pumpkins, Carrots, Broccoli

· Oatmeal

· Mangoes

6. Potassium: Important with nerve impulses along with help in lessening leg cramps. Potassium is necessary as it controls your fluids and electrolyte balance in you and your baby’s cells.

· Bananas

· Pumpkin, Potatoes, Spinach, Leafy greens, Baked potato

7. Magnesium: Essential addition for your baby’s growth and assists in breaking down sugars into usable energy.

· Almonds, hazelnuts, cashews

· Bran cereal or whole grains

· Fish (avoid types with high levels of mercury)

· Soybean

· Bananas

8. Folate or Folic Acid: Gives strength and energy and helps in fetal development, the spine and the brain.

· Lentils

· Spinach, Broccoli

· Mangoes

· Fortified cereal

· Eggs

9. Fibre: Best for those who are glucose intolerant. Supplement with tons of water.

· Whole grain bread, Oatmeal, Cereal

· Almonds

· Beans, Broccoli, Pumpkins

· Lentils

· Oranges, Bananas, Apples

Do keep in mind that eating healthy and getting that magic number in terms of calories will not just ensure your nutritional well-being but will also make sure of your baby’s nourishment and health.


Poppyseed Pregnancy Announcement

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Enjoy as I tell my mommy that she is going to be a grandma! Her reaction makes me laugh and weep all at the exact same time! Delighted I have this video to look back on.

This video is being managed solely by Newsflare. To use this video for broadcast or in a commercial gamer go to: other/poppyseed-pregnancy-announcement or email: or call: 44(0) 8432 895 191.

Alcohol, Pregnancy and the Developing Child

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This authoritative new publication comprehensively reviews the important relationship between maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy and the resulting in utero damage to the child, as well as the results of this damage during the child’s development. The first part of the book discusses clinical issues of alcohol-related fetal malformation, the clinical picture of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, the epidemiology of maternal alcohol abuse, and the developmental outcome of the affected children. The second part addresses pathogenesis and neuropathology. Part Three reviews developmental issues of the growing affected child. The final part evaluates approaches to rehabilitation and intervention while reviewing social and public health issues.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Helping My Pregnant Dog Give Birth To 7 Puppies!

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Lark gave birth to her babies! I decided to document the entire process of the birth of our beautiful puppies! SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEW VLOG CHANNEL TO SEE MORE PUPPY VIDEOS!:

Watch how we prepared for the puppies!:
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Common Sense Pregnancy, Navigating a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth for Mother and Baby

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Become a mama without the drama When you’re pregnant, your friends, the Internet, and even your doctor often give advice that leaves you anxious and overwhelmed. You deserve a calm, straightforward, no-nonsense pregnancy. It’s time to dial down the stress and dial up the common sense. Common Sense Pregnancy is a breath of fresh air: accessible, authoritative, funny, reassuring, and personable, while still chock-full of comprehensive, medically-sound advice. Women’s health expert, labor nurse, mother of four, and Fit columnist Jeanne Faulkner has been at the bedside for thousands of deliveries and provides the honest insider advice you need during pregnancy, labor, birth, and beyond, including straight talk on: · Which prenatal tests you actually need, and which you don’t. · Who’s on your labor team—and how to keep your labor room drama free. · What about sex? · How to deal with feeling lousy. · What works and what doesn’t for starting labor naturally. · How to avoid unneces­sary and risky medical interventions. Whether you want your pregnancy and birth to be all natural, all medical, or something in between, Common Sense Pregnancy eliminates the fear and puts you in charge of your body and prenatal experience, and helps you make the right choices for you and your baby. From the Trade Paperback edition.

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