Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Conceiving A Boy - Quick Tips

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So your thinking about conceiving a boy? When you decide to have a baby if can be one of the most exciting times of your life. Sometimes parents would like to try for a particular gender and look for tips on conceiving a boy or girl. There have been many methods that have been around throughout the years that parents to be have tried. These methods simply don’t work and will have no baring on what you conceive.

Chinese Birth Calendar

This calendar was supposed to have been drawn up by a scientist from China and then buried in a tomb hundreds of years ago. But there are lots of conflicting stories about how it came about! The mother’s age and the month she conceives determines the sex of the baby. So in theory you can work it out what month you should try for the baby. Many people have said that it worked for them, but it does have a 50% chance of getting it right each time! If you want to know the best methods on conceiving a boy I do not recommend this!

Eat A Boys Diet

Some say that eating a specific diet of plenty of salty foods, red meats, eggs, peas, raisins, zucchini, mushrooms, beans, sweet corn, bread, and fish can help when trying at conceiving a boy. I guess this couldn’t hurt and does have some scientific basis. Recent suggestions have said that keeping a high level of glucose can also help those wanting to know how to conceive a boy.


Deeper penetration can help in conceiving a boy. Male sperm does not survive well in acidic conditions. Therefore saving them having to travel through those conditions on the vagina can help more of them to make the journey. It’s a tough life for those sperms you know!

Men’s Underwear

Yes his underwear does matter. And the question is boxers or briefs! Apparently boy sperm is less tolerant to heat so keeping the mans bits cool is a must! Wearing boxers as apposed to briefs just keeps things down there much cooler.


There have been some suggestions that if your man has a strong cup of coffee before sex this will help in conceiving a boy. If nothing else it will give him an energy kick!

Cough Syrup

So the men get coffee and the woman gets cough syrup! Apparently it thins the cervical mucus which makes the faster swimming boy sperm get to the egg quicker.



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