Tuesday, December 22, 2020

How Do You Know If You're Having A Boy Or A Girl If You Conceived A Day After Ovulation?

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I sometimes hear from people who are hopeful that they have just conceived and they are wondering if their timing is more conducive to conceiving a girl or a boy baby. An example is something like: “I’m pretty sure that I ovulated yesterday based on the timing of my period. And I think I might have just conceived. So if I am right and I have become pregnant the day after I have ovulated, am I having a boy or a girl?” I wish it were possible to respond with a simple answer, but it isn’t. It’s not possible to know if someone is having a boy or a girl until they are far along enough in the pregnancy that a scientific test is possible. Plus,there are other things that go into determining your baby’s gender other than just your timing. I will discuss some of these variables below.


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