Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Pregnancy Baby Movements: That Joyful First Feeling Of Your Baby Moving!

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One of the joys pregnant women talk about is that thrilling moment when their eyes first pop open wide as they feel their baby moving inside them!

The first movements felt are normally caused by your baby kicking as the legs are longer and stronger than your baby’s arms.

These first movements have a variety of descriptions such as flutters, bubbling or popping sensations, a single pop or tap, wiggling movements or a feeling of something swimming around inside you.

That swimming sensation is your baby rolling around and swinging his or her little arms and legs.

Pregnancy Baby Movements: Will My Baby’s Movements Feel Painful?

On rare occasions the first movements might cause you a little pain depending upon your baby’s positioning in your womb and what part of you your baby decides to kick. This is perfectly normal as many women have described the first movement as a sharp pain.

It is important to point out that if you continue to experience pain of any kind regarding your baby that you should immediately see your doctor.

Pregnancy Baby Movements: When Will I Feel My Baby Moving?

Woman who have already had a child are much more aware of what their baby’s movements will feel like. 2nd and 3rd time mothers can sometimes feel their baby’s movements as early as 8 or 9 weeks.

Other woman, especially first time mothers, might not feel their baby moving until week 20 or 21. Also with first time mothers they might dismiss the initial sensation of their baby’s movements as ordinary stomach rumbling or you might be so involved in some task or activity that you might not notice the occasional pop or tapping.

Pregnancy Baby Movements: Little Punches From Little Fists

Besides the kicking and swimming you’ll also experiences little punches as your baby takes his or her tiny hands and makes a tiny little fist and ‘Pow’ pops you one in the side of your womb. Exactly where the baby hits or kicks you will determine if it is painful or not.

If your baby smacks you near an internal organ or right on a nerve pathway then you might feel a small jolt of pain but once you realize this is your baby moving you’ll be grateful for the experience.

Some woman have remarked that during the last month or two of their pregnancy their baby seemed to regard them as a boxer’s heavy bag punching and kicking often and at times with what feels like considerable force.

The time of day your baby does most of his or her kicking and punching will vary. Often it seems the baby is a night owl and this may make sleep a little difficult for you. Just keep in mind this is your baby letting you know he or she is there and enjoy feeling them move their little bodies inside of you.

Pregnancy Baby Movements: An Ultrasound May Show Your Baby Moving

An ultrasound may also show your baby moving if he or she is awake and it will be a fascinating thrill for you to watch the little baby growing inside you learning to work their little arms and legs

One more thing to keep in mind is that you may feel your baby move one day and then nothing for two or three days. This is perfectly normal.

However if you feel you haven’t felt your baby move for an extended period of time feel free to go and see your doctor just to be sure and to keep you free from worry.

Your peace of mind is important. You don’t want to feel a lot of anxiety as you really want to enjoy your pregnancy!



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