If you are currently going through an IVF cycle, or plan to soon, here is some information that your RE won’t share with you ahead of time:
(These are not meant to scare anyone, just a bit of a heads up. It is nice to know what you are getting yourself into.)
1. IVF has NO guarantees. Most of you think this is common sense, but for my hubby and I, we really thought that IVF was some kind of magic cure to our problems.
2. You will become a druggie! You will feel like some kind of crackhead before your cycle is over. I remember “shooting up” in my car in a parking lot. Trying not to let anyone see me for fear of them thinking I really was some kind of drug addict. I also had to put my needles in one of my hubby’s friends refrigerators… the first time I met them!
3. Your pants are going to be tight. Between the bloating and the baseball sized knots in your butt, you may feel like you are already 5 months pregnant.
4. PIO sucks!!! Progesterone in oil really sucks. In case you were wondering why you would have “baseball size knots” in your butt…..it’s because of the progesterone shots. These cruel shots also cause symptoms very similar to pregnancy. Just another thing for your mind to wonder about.
5. Giving yourself a shot is really not that bad. Although the shots aren’t the greatest part of an IVF cycle, they really are not bad. Many women are very intimidated by this part of the cycle, but looking back it won’t be a big deal at all.
6. Your first IVF is a “trial run”. I hate to admit this to the newbies out there, but your first IVF cycle is really a “trial run”. Your doctor is figuring out how your body responds to the meds, what works best for you, etc. Don’t take me wrong.. .there are plenty of lucky first timers out there. But for most of us, the consecutive cycles are typically more successful.
7. Home Pregnancy Test are evil! If there is anyway you can keep yourself away from HPT test, you will be better off for it. They are pure evil! If you test too early you will get a negative that is not likely real, if you test later, you will expect it to be accurate. But nothing is really final until the blood test. Also, if you do test… do not use a digital. They are more expensive and much less sensitive!
8. You will not be allowed to have sex, lift anything, exercise… OK, your RE will tell you these things ahead of time, just thought I would remind you of all the things that you will not be allowed to do. It’s really not that bad, but it can be a big adjustment. Not all RE’s require these things, so feel lucky if yours doesn’t. No matter what your RE requires… take it easy. You don’t want to have any regrets.
9. Suddenly everyone around you will be pregnant. Throughout your whole infertility journey, you will start to notice every pregnant person anywhere in your vicinity. Whether it be a friend, relative, or a woman in the mall. It will seem as if you are the only woman around that is not eating for two. Feeling jealous or having a hard time being happy for others is normal. Don’t feel like you are a bad person for this.
10. The 2 week wait after your transfer will be the longest two weeks of your life!! That is until you find out you are pregnant and have to wait another 2 weeks to see the heartbeat.
11. You WILL worry through the whole nine months of pregnancy. There are many milestones that are supposed to ease your mind, but once you have gone through infertility, you will always worry. Just try to not let the worry take away from the enjoyment of the pregnancy.
12. The waiting room at the fertility clinic is the most awkward place. You would think being in a room full of others like you would make someone feel more comfortable. But for some reason talking seems to be banned from the waiting room, only looking down at your phone is permitted. (Maybe this is just my clinic?) Never understood why everyone in the waiting room seems so ashamed of being there.
13. You will either find yourself lying or telling people about your fertility problems. Going through IVF is not something that is easy to hide. You will either find yourself lying to your co-workers about where you are having to go so often.. .or you will decide to be open about what is going on. For us it was a lot easier to just be open. But I understand that this is not comfortable for some people.
14. You may or may not become an emotional wreck. Yes you will be on a lot of hormones and that can wreck havoc on your body. But not all people respond this way. The drugs have not bothered me too much, in fact the birth control pills gave me more trouble than all the fertility drugs. If they are messing with you, just try to remind your partner to be patient with you. You are not always going to be yourself.
15. The emotional aspects of IVF are much harder than any of the physical part. Most IVF newbies are a little worried about all the physical aspects of IVF, but in all reality, the mental rollercoaster ride is the hardest thing you will have to overcome.
16. All of the 15 things above will be worth it!!!!! If you stick it out and are willing to keep working toward a baby, then all these things above will seem like nothing. The baby you will be holding, will make it all worth it. Looking back on my own journey, all the heartache just seems like a small bump in the road. Can’t believe after 5 years of trying our little guy is already two!
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