If you are wondering about the greatest wonders of Mother Nature, then the first thing that might come to mind is the Great Barrier Reef, the Dead Sea, the Halong Bay or the Iguaçu falls. If you think deeper they are just a few anomalies created by the upheaval and changes occurring on the surface over billions of years. The greatest wonder of Mother Earth is actually the evolution of life itself and the process of procreation to continue life in time. Since the day the first sign of life has originated, they have diversified and adapted to any living conditions imaginable. To propagate the seeds of life, the living organisms learned to replicate in a very complex and diverse way.The human beings like a few other species on evolution adapted with nature to become pregnant and give birth to young’s, while others like the bird lays eggs. Not all the organisms can become pregnant. If you do want to see the wonder of nature at play firsthand just become pregnant and experience it.
Pregnancy is a chance in a billion, but almost every female in mankind does become pregnant and give birth to a child. This is in fact a miracle and a unique wonder of Creation. With humans the male and the female copulate; it is a genetically embedded process which enables the sperm to be injected internally in to the female by the male. Hence fertilizing the egg inside the female and they become pregnant.
To become pregnant is a process like any other bodily function that has been imprinted on the DNA molecule of every living organism. This DNA is the instructional manual for all living beings. From internal workings of the organ to physical and emotional all is dictated by the DNA. To become pregnant is simply another of the necessary function for life to propagate on for some species. It is a thirty eight week endurance process to become pregnant and give birth to a baby that only a woman would understand.
Upon mating millions of sperms swim through the uterus of the female in search of a mature egg. It’s a race for survival as only one single lucky sperm gets the opportunity to merge with the egg resulting in spontaneous fertilization. Sometimes multiple eggs are released from the ovary instead of one, and all becomes fertilized by different individual sperm, then the woman can become pregnant with twins or triplet or more.The development process starts straight away for the embryo to develop. During this time the cells multiply and differentiate or designate themselves for different body function as encrypted in the DNA. In around eight weeks the embryo is fully developed and moves on into a different process when it is called the fetus. The placenta and the umbilical cord develop for the support and nutrition during the first eight weeks. Then the embryo moves on to the fetus stage, where further developments of the defined body functions occur. This process continues for thirty more weeks till the moment of birth. The odds of probability are way up but people still do become pregnant and raise a happy family.
If the male counterpart is infertile or inactive, the female might not become pregnant. Then the female has the option to procure sperm from a willing donor. The sperm can be collected artificially and then inserted in to the ovary of the female, the egg can be extracted as well and fertilized outside then inserted in to the womb and hence the lady can become pregnant and cast aside the disappointment.
Age plays a very important part in determining who can become pregnant. Doctors recommend that a woman should become pregnant between the age of twenty and forty. They say it is the right and safe age to produce healthy offspring. People do deviate from the timeline and still become pregnant, but chances of healthy offspring go down considerably.
This procedure of artificial insemination has brought in the fulfillment in people’s lives by giving them the satisfaction of parenthood and helps woman become pregnant who once had no hope of motherhood. Governments have created sperm banks and egg banks where they freeze the sperm and eggs from donors, for future use by the unfortunate to become pregnant.The number of birth in some countries have gone down drastically, woman are simply scared to become pregnant. They take pregnancy as a hindrance to their carrier and life until it is too late for them, when they decide to become pregnant. We human beings see ourselves through the offspring we give birth to, otherwise our lives are vacant and there is no sense of achievement. An offspring to carry on our legacy is embedded in our gene and the advancement of mankind do depend on the women folks to become pregnant.
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