Infertility is termed as failure to conceive after months of trying for pregnancy without the use of any contraceptives. When you are diagnosed with infertility then the first thing you need to find out is the reason behind this infertility. IVF treatment is pursued once other treatments have failed to achieve pregnancy. Starting IVF treatment can be an exciting but nerve wracking experience. IVF treatment is the very first treatment tried when an egg donor is being used, there are severe cases of male infertility or a woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked.
IVF treatment is often successful, though, it may take more than one try. Studies show that the potential for success with IVF treatment is the same for up to four cycles. IVF treatment is quite stressful. Just looking over the schedule of ultrasounds, blood work, injections and so on can make you feel fragile. Even the fertility drugs may change your moods.
Infertility and IVF can be pretty stressful and at times you may feel sad and worried; you and your partner may even struggle in your relationship together.
Following question and answers will help you to easily manage your IVF treatment.
What is the history and success of IVF?
The first successful IVF pregnancy in the world occurred in England in 1978 by Doctors Step toe and Edwards. Now, almost thirty years later, IVF is accepted as a standard treatment and in many cases as a first-line treatment for infertility, resulting in the birth of more than one million babies worldwide.
Is IVF treatment required for you?
IVF is recommended for women with blocked tubes or missing fallopian tubes and it is the best treatment available. It is also used when other conditions are present, including endometriosis, male factor infertility and unexplained infertility in which no medical cause for infertility can be found.
What is the age limit for women to undergo IVF treatment?
Successful pregnancy outcome with treatment is largely related to female age, particularly when using the woman’s own eggs. Most clinics have a certain upper age limit after which they will not perform in vitro fertilization (IVF) with the woman’s own eggs. The age limit for ivf treatment is somewhere between 42 and 45 in most programs. When donor eggs are being used, the age of the egg donor is the important issue. With egg donation, the age of the recipient does not seem to affect the chances of success. There are instances of pregnancy with the age above 60 also.
What’s involved in IVF?
IVF is a complex procedure. That is why prior to undergoing IVF treatment, patients have an IVF orientation with their physician who will fully explain the IVF process, including pre-IVF investigations and processes. All IVF patients will receive instructions on the proper timing and administration of the fertility medications involved in the IVF treatment cycle.
Whether to transfer one embryo or more than that?
It is in the hands of the patients to decide how many embryos to transfer. It cannot be ensured that each embryo transfer will become a baby. One easy way of improving the chances of achieving a pregnancy in an IVF cycle is by transferring more embryos. However the risk of having a multiple pregnancy also increases with more embryos transferred. Normally the number of embryos to be transferred should be decided based on patients age and how many times they have tried IVF previously. If you are under 35 and have never tried IVF before, then transfer of 2 embryos is suggested.
How can you improve the chances of IVF Treatment?
If a success is required in an ivf cycle one should avoid alcohol and tobacco, medications, lose weight and maintain BMI, avoid caffeine or control its consumption, follow balanced diet and take folic acid supplements. IVF treatment should be started early as the age plays an important role.
When to go for pregnancy test after IVF Treatment?
About two weeks after embryo transfer blood test is carried out to find whether the treatment has worked. If the test is positive, first pregnancy scan is taken two weeks later. If the test is negative, you need to talk to your doctor and decide whether to try the treatment again.
How long should one wait after failure of IVF Cycle?
Medically, you can usually start up again immediately in your next cycle. Many clinics advise to take break for 2 or 3 months.
Is hospitalization required in IVF procedure?
A patient undergoing IVF does not require admission in the hospital. The patient has to visit the center 3-5 times during monitoring cycle. On the day of egg collection Patients can go home after the effect of anesthesia weans off which takes about 2-3 hours. After the embryo transfer, which again takes about half an hour patients are free to go home after resting for one hour.
Is in vitro fertilization treatment expensive?
This price will vary depending on where you live, the amount of medications you’re required to take, the number of IVF cycles you undergo, and the amount your insurance company will pay toward the procedure. Compared to the UK and USA, IVF treatment is much economical in India, and the quality of the treatment is excellent. This is because doctor’s charge very less as compared to the developed western countries. As per international standards, IVF in India is very cost-effective and more and more foreigners are travelling to India for availing ivf treatment.
Studies show that the potential for success with IVF treatment is the same for up to four cycles. Generally, the live birth rate for each IVF cycle is 30 to 35% for women under age 35, 25% for women between the ages of 35 and 37, 15 to 20% for women between the ages of 38 and 40 and 6 to 10% for women after age 40. (When an egg donor is used, however, success rates remain high even at age 40, with a 45% success rate.)
Know all about IVF Procedure, IVF Cycle, IVF Cost and Starting treating infertility today by contacting Rotunda Clinic:All Appointments are scheduled according to your convenience at Rotunda Fertility clinic.
You can contact for further assistance at or email at or simply a phone call at +91 22 2655 2000 or +91 22 26405000.
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