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Links Mentioned 🌟
Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding (Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, and Nut-Free):
Is It Safe to Drink Coffee While Pregnant?:
Week 11 Post: https://www.mamanatural.com/pregnancy-week-by-week/11-weeks-pregnant/
Mama Natural Affirmation Cards:
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Week 11 of Pregnancy 🤰
You won’t believe what baby’s developing this week. Plus, is coffee okay during pregnancy?
Baby at 11 Weeks Pregnant 🚼
Baby is as big as a large apricot this week. But he won’t stay that way for long, as this little boy is growing as fast as he can!
His neck is now longer, allowing his large noggin to move back to a more “normal” posture. Other developments include:
Nipples appearing on his chest
Follicles forming on his head, and
Little tooth buds making their debut!
(And if your baby is anything like mine were, those hair follicles and tooth buds won’t really start working hard until much later than all the baby books say.)
Parts of your sweet baby’s digestive system are practicing peristalsis, and he can even be found hiccuping right about now—all preparing for those first tastes of mama’s milk.
You at 11 Weeks Pregnant 🚺
Let me just get real with you. Life ain’t much fun without your daily doo.
Yep, one of the hardest pregnancy side effects to deal with is constipation, which may be rearing its ugly head right now. Once again, you can thank your surging pregnancy hormones for any bowel blockage.
Conventional wisdom is to drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and eat a fiber-rich diet to get things moving again.
Prenatal vitamins that contain synthetic iron may cause constipation, too (so consider switching to a natural, food-based prenatal if you’re taking a synthetic version).
But while that’s fine advice, sometimes we still need an extra… push. An Epsom salt bath or supplemental magnesium are options, but I got mine in the form of two pears a day. They’re high in fiber, delicious, and just so happen to be an excellent natural laxative. My chia seed pudding has also been helpful for mamas in need.
Main point: find a healthy way to eliminate every day.
Coffee and Chocolate During Pregnancy 💡
So, you’re exhausted. This is normal. But you’ve got to go to work, or take care of your older child. What’s a mama to do? Mr. Joe saves the day!
Some like it black. Some like it with steamed milk or cream. But there is no doubt about it, coffee is the elixir of choice for many mamas. If you don’t drink it (like me), know that you are a rare breed. If you do drink it, here’s how you can do it safely during pregnancy, as there can be some risks.
Speaking of caffeine, did you know that chocolate contains it too? Not as much as coffee, but if you notice it bothers your sleep, enjoy your chocolate before 3 p.m.
And enjoy that chocolate, mama! Did you know a study shows that mamas who consume chocolate regularly have happier babies?! It’s true! Click here for scientific proof that chocolate is important to eat during pregnancy. If you’re watching your carbs or blood sugar, know that there are low-carb options out there as well, all detailed in the post.
Pregnancy Week 11 To-Dos ✅
Decide on and start prepping for your pregnancy announcement to friends and family
Consider planning a baby moon (trust me, you’ll be feeling up to it very soon!)
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