What do you think is the primary platform of the greatest ever bonding between a mother and baby? Everyone would certainly shout to say, nothing other than breastfeeding can match it. If you ask any pregnant women about what she is thinking, worried or excited about during her last trimester. The answer will certainly be nothing other than breastfeeding. According to the estimated, it has been found that more than 85% of women all across the globe breastfeed their babies, leaving those who really care about their sex appeal and the others who have less or no milk to feed their little ones!
When it comes to the second case of having little or no milk to feed your baby, you yourself feel ashamed as to what has happened or what could be done to give all the nourishment to your child. It is of course true that breastfeeding is natural, but it is not known to all and so you need to prepare yourself to feed your baby prior to pregnancy and after the delivery. There are several baby websites giving you tips and tricks on this with pictures too. It is a skill that both the mother and baby should try and acquire to pass on the nutrients to make them grow and boost their immunity levels.
Here are a few tips to help you with this:
· Prenatal preparations are pretty important and you can start with this once you commence with eight months and you start feeling a special sensation on your breasts. Nipple sores are a very common problem faced by new mothers these days and so it makes it difficult and very painful during the feeding process. It brings out difficult in mother and baby and thus the need of using plastic nipples comes in. What can be done to overcome this common issue? From the last trimester you can start massaging your nipples with oil, moisturizers or any lubricant to make it soft and moisture enriched so you don’t have to face nipple dramas anymore!
· Start attending breastfeeding classes that are organized in many hospitals or other groups outside to learn how to hold the baby and other mutual understanding tricks between the mother and baby. You can refer several resources online through plenty of genuine baby websites to give you an idea of what it is all about and how important it is for the mother and baby.
· Once your baby is born, give it enough time to adjust and accept the environment. Do not start to latch immediately after birth; instead make it a good, humble, toned down and a loving one. It is of course very true that breastfeeding during the first hour of birth is very essential and important for the overall health of the baby. At the same time, giving a little time for the baby to adjust to the environment and to know the mother is also imperative. If the baby wants to hang out along the breast, allow it to do so as it tends to give comfort making the baby feel warm, cozy and safe just like it was in the womb!
· While breastfeeding, try to put the entire nipple including the areola into the baby’s mouth so that the suckling process is done well and you don’t tend to get any sores. Feed your baby every now and then until a few days so that the overall health is improved and get the immunity to face the world bravely!
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