Infertility can be heart breaking, frustrating debilitating, lonely. It can be miserably consuming so that nothing else seems to be in your thoughts. With to-days economic climate when couples cannot afford to buy a house until their thirties and the cost of giving up work cannot be contemplated, thoughts of starting a family can be delayed.
Getting pregnant for most happens with ease, but for those unfortunate people who have infertility problems it is devastating, and may not be apparent for a prolonged time due to the current climate.
A survey carried out as long ago as 1995 in England by Surrey University on the promotion of pre conception care, took 365 couples and ran the survey for 18 months.
During this time 89% of all the couples had given birth.
81% of the previously infertile couples had given birth!
None had miscarried, there were no peri-natal deaths and none were admitted to intensive care. There were also no malformations within the group that gave birth.
The survey showed many of the group had previously experienced reproductive problems:-
37% had suffered infertility problems.
38% had previously miscarried.
15% had given birth to low weight babies.
3% had still born babies
2% gave birth to malformed babies.
The couples ages ranged, women 22-45, men 25-59
This firmly indicates pre conception care is extremely important, especially if you are in the at risk group. There are of course many other factors involved, like the timing of conceiving, making sure only fresh healthy eggs and sperm are involved.
There is the emotional, physical, emotional and mental health of the couple. Infertility can cause a lot of stress and depression and disbelief that it will ever happen. The balance of your emotions can be a factor in getting pregnant or not. We often hear stories of women who become pregnant after the have adopted children. Reducing stress with exercise, meditation and relaxation can help increase your fertility. Reducing your daily load and learning to enjoy life, your surroundings, and nature. Long relaxing walks in the fresh air with not only work wonders for your peace of mind but will improve your physical health.
It has also been shown aerobic exercise in the pre conception stage for both partners is important. It is important to get oxygen circulating and with a healthy diet nutrients flowing to all cells of the body. Become as healthy as possible, lose weight if you are over-weight, eat healthily, no caffeine, alcohol or smoking. Eat good healthy food, fresh vegetables, fruit and lean meat. Both of you take care of yourselves.
For those with infertility problems it is important to consider toxins in their environment, consider your cleaning products, chemical pesticides used in the garden and work environments. These are all small things but together can make a difference.
So to summarise, believe in your success, reduce your stress levels, exercise and eat well, reduce weight if necessary, give up smoking and alcohol cut out caffeine. Enjoy fresh air, the park, the beach or your favourite outdoor place.
It is a combination of all these factors that can make all the difference between getting pregnant or not, of preventing miscarriage and giving birth to healthy babies. Some women conceive easily, others have to take more care of themselves especially as years pass. Give yourself and your partner the best possible chance of conceiving naturally I V F treatment is both very stressful and costly.
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