Pregnancy predictor tests become necessary at certain ages of a woman Young women want to know if they are pregnant or not while older ones want to know if they still have a good chance of conceiving. Pregnant women may want to know in advance, the sex of the baby they are carrying. This article will discuss some of the pregnancy predicting options available to women and how reliable they are.
First, it should be clear that the most reliable pregnancy predicting tests are with the medics and the results of such are more reliable. And the medics have varieties of methods to choose from.
Most self-pregnancy predictors rely on the principle that when a woman is pregnant the body develops a kind of hormone called human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG). This hormone present in the pregnant woman’s urine is the one worked upon by most pregnancy test methods. It is accepted that when this special hormone is detected in a woman’s urine, such lady is pregnant.
Pregnancy Predictor Using Baking Soda.
Put some measure of baking soda in a jar and add some quantity of the woman’s urine. If it fizzles, you are going to have a boy. If there are no reactions, you will have a girl.
Drano Test.
Put some measure of Drano (2 tablespoons will do) in a white glass, add some quantity of her urine. A chemical reaction will occur which you must allow to cool down. After cooling down and within 10 and 15 seconds check the color of the solution. A darker color going to brown predicts a boy.
Anti-Mullerian Hormone Or AMH Test
This test is done to test a woman’s fertility using her blood and is usually performed on older women. Women approaching the age of 40 years do not have much time on their side. Scientifically, it is known the ovarian eggs decrease both in quantity and quality with tie. When a woman is young she produces the eggs in thousands but this decreases with age to the extent that when a woman is about 35, the eggs she produces could have reduced to 50% of what she produced when she was 22. Costing about $350, the test is about 70% correct and is one of those tests you can only get done by a medic.
Pregnancy Predictor Kits
There are pregnancy predictor kits on the market and they are many. Two among them are the Gendermaker and one simply called Predictor. Both work on the principle of the special hormone, human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) produced by pregnant women. For the Gender maker the urine is applied to the instrument. Blue result means you are having a boy while pink predicts a girl.
The predictor uses a urine absorbing stick with two windows. The stick is dipped into the woman’s urine and cocked back. Allow to rest for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes if, a purple/pink line appears in the window, the woman is pregnant. Absence of such line means no pregnancy.
Chinese Gender Predictor Chart
This chart, said to be over 700 years old is made use of to predict baby gender. It matches the mother’s age with the month of conception. The point of intersection predicts the gender of the baby. Some people can swear about this method but there is no scientific proof.
There are loads of myths surrounding pregnancy. The wedding ring test, the needle tests, the carriage test, the heart beat tests, the weight gain tests… tons of them with no scientific backing. The weight gain test says if the husband gains weight during the pregnancy, the baby will be a boy. What a test? Where is the correlation between a pregnancy carried by the wife and the husbands weight gain. Perhaps the guy is overeating because of the excitement of expecting a baby. These myths just give fun for mothers and fathers.
In conclusion, mothers-to-be should know that pregnancy prediction tests carried out by medics are more reliable than any others. It is their business and they are better left to handle it. Medics believe that besides the methods mentioned above, the ultrasound technique remains a reliable pregnancy predictor. Even at that, they agree it is not 100% foolproof.
For parents who are desirous of having a particular gender of baby the next time, there are natural methods with a very high degree of accuracy which are exhaustively treated here.
pregnancy (Third trimester)
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