I sometimes hear from folks who are fully aware that they should attempt to conceive either before or after ovulation depending on which gender they are trying to conceive. Specifically, if you want a boy baby, it’s best to conceive after ovulation. But, if you are trying for a girl, then you want to have sex before ovulation. So, determining exactly when you ovulate can be extremely important. However, some people are confused as to how they are supposed to know when they’re ovulating and if these signs vary based on which gender they want. I heard from someone who said: “I’m trying for a boy baby. I know that I should have sex after ovulation, but how do I know when that’s occurred?” There are various methods that people use to gauge ovulation. I have definite opinions as to how effective each method is, but I will go over them here and then discuss each one.
Attempting To See Patterns In Basal Body Temperature: This is an old fashioned method which has been around for years. In fact, many people learn this method from their mothers or grandmothers. This method is pretty straightforward. You begin taking your temperature first thing in the morning when your period starts. Then you chart your temperature each day. Ideally, you should chart it for a few months before you attempt to become pregnant so that you can see a pattern. Ovulation is said to occur when you see your temperature go up about.04 of a degree and remain there for a couple of days until ovulation ends. After ovulation is over, your temperature should return to normal levels. If you do this over the course of a few months, you might see that your ovulation occurs at similar times each month.
Stretching Cervical Mucus Observations: This is another relatively old fashioned method. With this method, instead of taking your temperature every day, you will look at your cervical mucus every day. The idea is that you extract some and then attempt to stretch it between your fingers. When you are not ovulating, it is said to be white in color and thick so that you could not stretch it at all. But once ovulation approaches, it becomes clear and stretchy, sort of like egg whites. And when ovulation occurs, you should be able to stretch it and extend your fingers.
A Combination Of The Above: Many people will use both of the above methods at the same time. Some will take their basal temperature in the morning and then attempt to gauge their cervical mucus when they shower. The hope is that they will see the rise in temperature at the same time as the mucus becomes opaque, clear and stretchy.
Using Ovulation Predictors To Get Distinct Positives Or Negatives: If I am being honest, this is by far the method that I know to be the most reliable. The reason for this is that the results do not depend on the user’s ability to interpret the data. There is a lot of room for error when you are trying to notice small changes. However, with ovulation predictors, there is usually either a very clear negative or positive result that doesn’t require for you to observe or interpret very much. This leaves a much smaller margin of error. And accuracy is so important when just a few hours can make the difference between a boy or a girl baby.
The Method Are The Same Regardless Of Your Desired Gender. But Things Can Get Tricky When You’re Trying For A Girl: Gauging your ovulation works in the same way regardless of if you are trying for a girl or a boy. Your body changes as it approaches ovulation and your body has no idea whether you will be trying for a boy or girl. However, where your desired baby gender comes into play is that it is easier to use these methods to determine when ovulation has occurred. And this is ideal for a boy baby. In other words, a positive result for any of the above is telling you that the conditions are ideal for a boy baby. It’s desirable to have sex after ovulation when you want a boy. But, for a girl you need to pinpoint the days that lead up to ovulation. This can be tricky when you are using the basal temperature or the cervical mucus methods. Yes, it’s sometimes possible to see very minute changes before ovulation occurs, but I believe this process is easier if you use a saliva ovulation predictor. However, if you have done any method for several months and are noticing that you’re ovulating on the same day each month, then it becomes easier to predict ovulation ahead of time if you’re trying for a daughter.
So to answer the question posed, regardless of which gender you want, then you will need to use some method to determine when your hormones rise in order to ready your body for ovulation. People do this in various ways including the above. The key is that no matter what method you use, you be very consistent in it. And it helps greatly if you give it a few months so you can pinpoint the patterns of your individual cycle.
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