Constipation means irregular bowel moment and sluggish intestines. It is one of the most common problems that you face during pregnancy. Almost 40 percent of pregnant women are plagued by it. Following is a brief rundown on some of the most basic things you must know about constipation in pregnancy.
– The pregnancy-induced hormone, known as progesterone, is one of the major causes for constipation in pregnant women. The progesterone causes the muscles in your bowels to relax on the work. However, these pregnancy hormones are otherwise safe and healthy for your body as well as for your baby. These hormones cause the food to stay longer in your body, which means more nutrients can be absorbed by you and your baby.
– The growing uterus can be another reason for constipation during pregnancy. When the uterus grows to accommodate the growing baby, it increases pressure on your bowel, making its movement harder, which results in constipation.
– Iron pills that are prescribed in pregnancy to treat anemia have also been found to be a reason to induce constipation in expecting moms.
What Can You Do To Relieve Pregnancy Constipation?
– Eat More Fiber
Foods rich in fiber can prove to be very effective in fighting against constipation. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains breads and cereals, legumes, dried fruits are the best sources of fiber. Even if you are not used to eating fiber-rich diet, you can still consider adding the same; just don’t overload yourself. Give some time to your body to get used to the new diet.
– Don’t eat big meals
Eating big meals can affect your digestive tract adversely, resulting in constipation. Prefer six mini meals in a day instead of three larger meals. When you eat smaller and more frequent meals, you are also very much likely to experience less gas and bloating problems.
– Drink plenty of liquids
Water as well as fruits and vegetable juicesÃ� can also prove to be very effective to relieve the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy. It keeps the food moving in your intestines and also softens your stool to make it easier to pass.
– Go to bathroom as soon as you feel the urge
The right time to go to toilet is the first thing in the morning or half an hour after having meal. Go for it the moment you feel the urge.
– Be careful about your supplements and medications
Some of them (such as, Iron supplements) can aggravate constipation. Ask your practitioner about prescribing alternatives until the situation improves.
– Do not sit idle for a long time. Do regular exercises.
Regular exercise maintains regular bowel movement. Walking, swimming, stationary cycling and yoga are the best exercises during pregnancy that can help you to feel relief from constipation.
However, you are advised not to try a new remedy without consulting your doctor first. Your doctor’s suggestion is always crucial while you are pregnant. So, if you have any doubts or queries regarding the problem of constipation in pregnancy, you must get expert medical advice first.
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