I often hear from folks who are trying to make the most out of their ovulation period by having sex multiple times on the same day to give him the best chance of actually conceiving. And many wonder what effect this practice may have on their baby’s gender. I heard from a woman who said: “my husband and I want to get pregnant as soon as possible. I believe that I have just ovulated. So today, we have already had sex twice. We may do it again later this evening. I wonder if having so much sex all at once will have any affect on my baby’s gender. And if it does, am I more likely to have a girl or boy baby?” I’ll try to address these questions in the following article.
My Opinion On Frequent Sex And Your Baby’s Gender Is That It Depends Upon The Circumstances On That Day: It’s my opinion that having more sperm fighting for the egg doesn’t have an effect on your baby’s gender. Regardless of how much sperm is present (and how often it is deposited) the ratio always remains the same. Men have a ratio of about 50 percent boy sperm and about 50 percent girl sperm. This doesn’t change if they have sex often or at a certain period of time. So, no matter how much sperm there is and how often it is occurring, if half of it is boy producing and half of it is girl producing, then you still have roughly equal odd of getting a boy or girl baby, unless there are different circumstances on the day you try to conceive, which I’ll discuss now.
Do You Know Exactly When You Ovulated As Well As Your PH At The Exact Time Of Intercourse: This woman thought that she had ovulated, but she didn’t mention exactly when. Typically, having sex after ovulation (especially a day or two after) favors having a boy baby, while having sex before your ovulation favors a girl baby. It’s also important for me to mention that many women assume ovulation at the wrong time. They’ll think they ovulate a certain time after their period but they never actually bother to check. Many are surprised to find that they were wrong in their assumptions. That’s why I strongly encourage you to actually test your ovulation if you are trying to choose your baby’s gender. Because being off by even a few hours can make a difference. Assuming that this woman was right and ovulation had already occurred, this would make a boy baby slightly more likely.
However, if she also had an alkaline PH at the time she had sex, this would further favor a boy conception. You see, your PH at the time of sex (not on the day of sex, but at the exact time of sex) can also influence your baby’s gender. An alkaline PH makes a boy more likely and an acidic one does just the opposite. This woman didn’t have any idea what her vaginal environment might have been. If this isn’t enough, the sexual positions that you use (and other whether the woman has an orgasm) can also affect baby gender.
So hopefully, this article has shown you that just having frequent sex does not really have an effect on your baby’s gender UNLESS you are also having sex at the proper time as it relates to your actual ovulation, you are the right PH, and you are using the right sexual positions with or without the woman’s orgasm, depending on which gender you want. But you don’t need to worry that frequent sex will have an affect either way.
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