There are so many different methods out there to predict the gender of your baby the topic would take up an entire chapter in any of the baby manuals that are lining book store shelves to list and explain them all. However, sorting through what is fact based and what is based on wishful thinking is part of the fun of being pregnant.
Online Tests
Many online questionnaires claim to be the most accurate in predicting your baby’s gender. They will lead you through a series of questions about how your stomach is shaped or what sort of foods you are craving.
These modern questionnaires are primarily developed from old wives tales for the most part. The tests are a lot of fun, but you should not decorate your baby’s nursery based on the results from these types of baby gender tests.
The Famous Chinese Pregnancy Calendar
This is an intriguing predictor because this one test is found in many different forms. The premise of this ancient Chinese method to predict the gender of your baby is fairly straightforward: Take the mother’s age at the time of conception, the month that the baby was conceived, and compare them to the chart to determine what the gender of the baby will be.
While it sounds easy, many conflicting versions of the chart can be found. Some charts claim you will have a boy but others using the same data points will claim you will have a girl. The level of detail also varies; for example some charts need the time of birth of the mother herself.
These charts may all have the same name, but they are not consistent in their results and are not considered reliable.
Old Wives Tales
An old wives tale is a type of urban legend that is repeated from person to person with little to verify the validity of the story. These old wives tales that say they can accurately predict your baby’s gender need to be taken with a grain of salt, or for some of the more bizarre ones, an entire salt shaker.
Here’s an example of a popular tale that is passed around: If your belly is round like a basketball you are carrying a boy and if your belly is spread all around you are carrying a girl.
Another one claims that girls steal your beauty, and if you are particularly unattractive during your pregnancy, your baby must be a girl. That doesn’t sound like a fun one to look at.
They are out there and are easy to find if you are interested. Just know that they are correct about 50 percent of the time like as anyone just taking a guess.
Medically Based Pregnancy Tests To Tell If You are Having A Boy Or A Girl
After all the fun quizzes, if you are serious in finding out the gender of your baby before birth, there are a few medical tests that your doctor can perform. The ultimate pregnancy predictors regarding baby gender are the CVS (Chorionic villus sampling) and an amniocentesis test.
The CVS is performed in the first trimester of pregnancy and the results from this test are derived from a sample taken from the placenta. An amniocentesis test is performed by taking a sample of the mother’s amniotic fluid. Even though both of these tests do carry some risk both are accurate in predicting your baby’s gender
Ultrasounds are performed throughout pregnancy. After the baby has reached a certain level of growth, these tests can be fairly accurate with their results regarding your baby’s gender. Be aware there is a chance that an ultrasound can be interpreted incorrectly, but that is somewhat uncommon.
The best way to know whether you will have a boy or a girl is to rely on a doctor performing the medical tests mentioned above.
pregnancy (Third trimester)
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