Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Do's and Don'ts - Guide to Getting Pregnant and Having a Healthy Pregnancy

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There are many ways a couple can increase their chances of getting pregnant, but it is important to understand the Do’s and Don’ts before attempting. There is an extensive list of activities to avoid as well as food and chemicals to stay away from while attempting to conceive. There is also a large list of things that a couple should participate in if they want to get pregnant. Knowing the difference between the two is important when trying to have a baby. It can be more difficult for some to get pregnant, while other women have no problems at all conceiving. A few of the Do’s and Don’ts are listed below when trying to get pregnant.

  • Do monitor ovulation to determine the most fertile days of a woman’s cycle.
  • Do have sexual intercourse on the days that a woman is most fertile.
  • Do engage in a healthy recommended amount of physical activity to keep the body in the healthiest state possible when trying to conceive.
  • Do have sex at regular intervals, but not too many times in a row to avoid depleting the sperm count. The recommended time frame is every other day to allow sperms to replenish themselves after being released. One day is usually a sufficient amount of time, unless a man is suffering from a low sperm count.
  • Don’t use tobacco or drugs. This can make it difficult for a woman to conceive. Men should also avoid these, because they cause a decrease in sperm count and sperm quality.
  • Don’t eat unhealthy. It is important to maintain a healthy diet in order to increase the chances to conceive. Understanding the Do’s and Don’ts can be an important factor when trying to have a baby.
  • Don’t burn out or become too stressed about becoming pregnant. This can cause unnecessary stress that can make it more difficult to get pregnant. Try to reduce the stress in life, and practice stress relieving activities such as yoga or medication.

Once a woman becomes pregnant, it is important to keep the pregnancy viable by practicing safe habits. It is just as important to understand the Do’s and Don’ts of pregnancy to keep the baby and mother to be healthy. Some women are not aware of the potential dangers that can lead to miscarriage as well as abnormalities in babies. There are many ways to prevent this from occurring, and promote a healthy baby that is delivered at full term. Some of these dos and Don’ts are listed below.

  • Do have regular checkups with a doctor to maintain a healthy pregnancy and keep the doctor alerted to any changes.
  • Do engage in light physical activity as long as the doctor approves of the activity. Many very physically active women who become pregnant should maintain their normal physical fitness routines. This will promote a positive birthing experience and a healthy baby as well as mother.
  • Do practice stress relieving activity such as yoga or tai chi. This can help to release the stress that can build up each day in the body. Stress can be a trigger for many unwanted health issues, so it is best to keep it at bay.
  • Don’t eat raw fish or undercooked fish. This can cause harmful bacteria to harm the baby. Many women who enjoy sushi should refrain from eating this while they are pregnant due to the harmful effects it can have on a pregnant woman and her baby.
  • Don’t become exposed to cat feces. If a woman owns a cat, she should have someone else change the litter box. Cat feces can harbors a virus called toxoplasmosis, which can be extremely harmful to a pregnant woman.


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