For some couples out there getting pregnant fast and natural seems to pose quite a challenge. The window for conception is actually quite small as we came to find out from experience.
There are a number of ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant including taking fertility vitamins, keeping on a healthy diet, doing various exercises, and so forth. However, there may be additional things you’ll need to do to get pregnant since it seems to be quite a mystery why it’s easy for some and not for others.
So, if you are not pregnant after a number of months of trying and not quite ready to do all the testing that a doctor will have you undergo, then here are our top ways to getting pregnant fast and natural…
Know your ovulation schedule. Timing for many is one of the key reasons couples have trouble conceiving. There are tests you can purchase along with understanding a fertility chart to accurately identify the proper times of ovulation.
Enjoy the process. Don’t make this whole thing a “chore.” Stressful situations can in fact decrease sperm count among other important aspects of getting pregnant. Keep the enjoyment of relations involved as you try to make a baby.
Detox your body and maintain good fertility health. Many couples overcome infertility issues with a good cleanse and solid diet. Talk to a professional or do a little research to understand how this aspect can help and how to implement a strategy to help increase your chances of getting pregnant while not harming your body and health.
Know your cycle and it’s recommended that you have intercourse every two days during your fertile period in order to maximize sperm and avoid old sperm and old eggs!
Position may make a difference. What seems to work based on research and experiences is the missionary position. Another thing that you can do includes having the woman lie on her back and raise her hips after intercourse for a period of 10-15 minutes.
Bonus Tip: Be happy and relax! Stress can play a detrimental role in all areas of our health and life including trying to get pregnant. As stated earlier do exercises to help relieve stress, have fun in the process of making a baby, and anything you can do to help keep your stress levels to a minimum.
These are just some of the tips we followed and others we know followed in order to get pregnant fast, increase fertility, and have that little bundle of joy!
Our best recommendation is to get yourself educated as getting pregnant can become both an art and a science so the more you know about your bodies, the process, and the methods/tools out there to assist the better your chances will be.
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