Many couples are often burdened with the question, “how to get pregnant with a boy.” For some, it is a requirement that should strictly be met. For others, it is just a whim that should be fulfilled. Whatever the reasons are for wanting to sire a boy, it is a goal that can be achieved with a degree of probability by following a few practical advises.
Although these methods worked for some women, it may not be the case for others. But knowing they can somehow influence the gender of your baby by creating an environment conducive to the promotion of the gender they want is often a good enough reason for couples to give these methods a try.
In order to understand why these methods could work on how to get pregnant with a boy, it is important to learn and understand a few basic lessons in genetics. The popular idea is that the male is the one responsible for determining a child’s gender during conception. Since females have two x chromosomes, it follows that a female egg only has an x chromosome to add to a child’s genetic make up. Whereas, since males have x and y, their sperms can add either an x or a y chromosome to the whole bunch. While this gives an equal chance for either gender to manifest, there are some factors that may influence one chromosome more than the other.
There are several ways with which the y chromosomes’ passage into the egg can be favored more than the x’s. These methods are based on the PH balance within the walls of the cervix through which the sperm cells pass on their way to the female egg. Y chromosomes prefer an alkaline environment, which promotes lesser discharge around the cervix, in order to increase their chances of reaching the egg before they die. This can be achieved by indulging in lemons, watermelons, legumes and other foods that promote alkalinity when trying to conceive. Foods containing potassium and little amounts of sodium are also known to reinforce this type of environment within the body.
Others also turn to douches in order to promote less acidity and more alkalinity of the cervical area.
Although there is no sure-fire way through which the question of how to get pregnant with a boy can be answered, these practical methods may increase your chances of conceiving an “x-y” child.
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