Saturday, March 6, 2021

How to Get Pregnant With Uterine Fibroid

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What is Uterine Fibroid? Uterine Fibroid is one of the more common non-cancerous tumors that affect women of child bearing age. It is actually made up of muscle cells that grow along the walls of the uterus. According to studies, women of African-American decent are four to five times greater at risk of developing this type of tumor as well as overweight and obese women. On the other hand women who have already given birth have lower chances of having uterine fibroid.

Some of the more common symptoms of uterine fibroid include heavy and or painful periods and sometimes bleeding in between periods. Lower back pains and painful sexual intercourse are also included in the symptoms. There are also some reproductive problems such as infertility, several miscarriages and early labor during pregnancy.

Because of the location of the tumor although non-cancerous there are a lot of outstanding questions about the ability of the woman to successfully bear a child in such a condition. Also questions about possible treatments and therapies are being raised by women who want to get better and be able to start a family. Before the answering the pregnancy issue, let us first take a look at some of the possible treatments that can be done.

There are available medications in the market that can be taken to relieve the patient of the painful symptoms of uterine fibroid. It can also reduce the growth of the tumor. However, once the medication is stopped the tumor can likely grow back.

Surgery is sometimes the best choice for a situation like this. There are three major types of surger: Myomectomy, Uterine Artery Embolization and Hysterectomy.

As for the other concern about getting pregnant, there are two ways infertility can happen when a woman has uterine fibroid. First is the inability to get pregnant at all. The total absence of pregnancy in a healthy sexual relationship between two partners can be a severe side effect of this type of tumor. The other is getting pregnant that would lead to miscarriage all the time. But according to studies and experiences of women who had overcome the disease, there is a great chance for women with uterine fibroid to get pregnant and start a family. They would however need to follow some procedures to conceive and have a child.

IVF Pregnancy

This is one of the more popular artificial way of getting pregnant probably because of its success rate since its introduction. IVF stands for Invitro Fertilization wherein a woman is given medications to increase the production of embryos. The eggs are then collected and fertilized by the sperm outside the body.

IUI Pregnancy

This is also a type of assisted pregnancy but this time the eggs stay where they are and fertilized by the sperm. Now, the sperm is collected and only the “best” ones are selected. The selected sperms are then inserted into the women’s uterus during her fertile period.

Timed Intercourse

This method of getting pregnant is centered on the woman’s fertile period. Her temperature is taken regularly and her fertile signs including discharges and the likes are monitored closely to determine her most fertile period.

Also undergoing the surgeries recommended to remove the tumors such as Myectomy and Uterine Artery Embolization will greatly increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Remember that there is a great chance and hope for women with Uterine Fibroid to conceive and start a healthy, normal family. At the earliest signs and symptoms of Uterine Fibroid immediately go to your doctor or fertility expert for proper diagnosis and possible treatments as soon as possible.


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