Saturday, August 1, 2020

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” My husband was detected with cancer two months after we were married. We had the ability to bank his sperm prior to he started chemotherapy and understood that IVF would be an option if we ever wished to have kids in the future. He remained in remission for almost a year when his cancer returned. We never wished to let cancer control our lives and having kids was something we both truly wanted. We didn’t know what the future held for us, however we had faith and kept on living. We decided to begin the in-vitro fertilization process. We put in one embryo and we were so delighted when my blood work returned favorable. When we embraced the six week ultrasound we not just heard one heart beat, however 2! My one little embryo had divided into two and we were going to be twin parents. Sadly a couple months after the twins were born my husband died. These young boys are the reason I keep moving forward. I’m grateful for them daily!”

Credit: @cocoscaravan

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