On an average, women gain around 20 lbs during pregnancy. It is recommended and healthy to gain weight while you are conceiving but some women take this notion as their license to eat and often over indulge.
Being overweight makes it difficult for women to conceive in the first place and if you were already heavier before pregnancy, you really need to keep a tab on your weight through all your trimesters.
Eating healthy during pregnancy is different than eating healthy to lose weight. Here you can occasionally cave into cravings and get a good amount of fat too without worrying about putting on weight. The goal here is to not put on extra weight and get the require nutrition.
There are certain vitamins and nutrients that you need in abundance while you are carrying:
• About 70 grams of Vitamin C is advised to better develop the fetus’ tendonitis and tissue. Get your source of Vitamin C from oranges, strawberries and broccoli.
• Folic Acid is one of the most important components as it helps to prevent any birth defects in the fetus. About 600 mcg of folic acid is optimum and can be obtained through lentils, leafy vegetables, black beans, boiled asparagus, etc.
• The fetus needs a good supply of blood and fluid to the body. Having 25 mg of Iron daily ensures that the blood cells supple a steady and good flow of oxygen to the baby and also help in building tissues and promoted growth.
• Vitamin A is vital for proper cell and bone growth along with development of mucus membrane, eyes and healthy skin. The best natural sources of Vitamin A are carrots, sweet potato and spinach.
• Television commercials have emphasized enough on how Calcium is required for proper growth in young children, but even before your baby is born it needs a good dose of calcium. To develop a healthy heart, nervous system and build up stronger bones and teeth, you should consume 1000 mg of calcium daily. Dairy products are the best sources of calcium, but steer clear of unpasteurized milk as that can be a carrier of bacteria,
• Around 220 mcg of Iodine will help to build a better metabolism and nervous system in the fetus, with the best sources being low-fat yogurt and baked potato.
• Riboflavin promotes healthy skin and good eyesight, and also has a positive influence on the nervous system. Cooked mushroom is a good source of Riboflavin.
There are certain food items that are considered bad for the fetus. Skip alcohol and caffeinated drinks and switch to green tea or juices. Also, soda contains a high level of caffeine and sugar must be avoided.
Even though fish is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, it has traces of mercury and other harmful minerals that can cause serious growth defects in the fetus.
Your gynecologist would put you on prenatal vitamins that will help to make up for the required amount that you did not get through your meals.
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