When trying to conceive, there is nothing as important as understanding your menstrual cycle. This is because it is the major determinant of your fertile days. Given that a woman can only get pregnant when she is ovulating, understanding your menstrual cycle is central to your success in becoming pregnant. Here is what you should know.
Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle And Pregnancy
The basic step towards making sure that you have a shot at getting pregnant is tracking your menstrual cycle. You should take note of the days when you have your menstrual flow and when it stops. Marking out these days is a basic steps towards understanding your reproductive system. Since women are usually fertile for only a limited period during their cycles, knowing these days will be a huge advantage to you when you are trying to conceive.
For women with regular cycles, it is easy to know the days of the month within which they are pregnant. However, use of pregnancy calculators and ovulation kits to monitor your cycle is usually advised. This is because not every woman has regular cycles and since these kits are more accurate than the simple use of the calendar, they are usually recommended for couples who are trying to get pregnant. Knowing your fertile days will make it possible for you to time sexual intercourse such that you can be ble to conceive without having to use a lot of effort.
Test For Ovulation
Tracking systems and ovulation kits sold by pharmacies can be used to test for ovulation. These kits are easy to use with most of them functioning almost like pregnancy tests. Some have advanced mechanisms in that they are designed to test for ovulation based on the levels of your hormones.
Vaginal Discharge And Temperature
However, it is possible to know when you are ovulating by simply checking your vaginal discharge and temperature. The most appropriate time to have sexual intercourse, when trying to conceive, is when your vaginal discharge is clear and stretchy. Having daily sex for 5 days since noticing this change in your vaginal mucus should be able to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Your basal body temperature (BBT) can also be a good indicator for days when your chances of conceiving are at a peak. A sudden rise in temperature, provided you are not sick, is a good indication of the period of the month when you are most fertile. 3 days before this time is the most appropriate period for becoming pregnant. This method will however require plotting of your temperature over time and thus most women prefer not to use it.
Recognizing Symptoms Of Pregnancy
A missed period is the most common early sign of pregnancy. Fatigue, nausea, vertigo, breast tenderness, mood changes and food cravings may also be early signs of pregnancy. While signs of a successful conception are different, experiencing any of these signs is reason enough for you to take a pregnancy test. These are indications that your trying to get pregnant efforts have been fruitful.
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