Sunday, October 25, 2020

HSG Test - The Safest Way To Figure Out Conceiving Problems

Many women undergo problems when they are trying to conceive. However, one need not worry as there are many medical tests present that can help get to the root of the problem and make the probability of you conceiving greater. So what is the first thing that is done when you are trying but cannot possibly get pregnant? Doctors recommend that you undergo and test that is called Hysterosalpingogram. This is a test that is carried out to determine the tubal patency of a woman. In simpler words an X-ray is conducted on the fallopian tubes of a woman to know about their condition. This causes to uncover if there are any problems with the tubes. In shorter terms this test is called HSG and it helps to provide a clearer picture with the bodily parts.

This article will provide all the knowledge that one can require regarding this test and if you are having difficulties in conceiving you should know everything you can regarding this test in order to refrain from getting any surprises or alarms. What happens in order to conduct the test is that a tube is inserted through the vagina into the uterus of the patient. The tube that is inserted has a dye that can be used to highlight the problem areas, if there are any present in the body. An expert can judge within a few seconds of the exact condition as shown by the dye. The tube can also reveal any blockages in the fallopian tubes that can prevent the sperm from entering the uterus and those blockages can be removed with great ease.

However, you shouldn’t consider taking this test if you suffer from the following medical conditions;

1. If you are suffering from bleeding problems or are subscribed to take blood thinning medications.

2. If you are diabetic or are ingesting medication that involves controlling diabetes.

3. If you are suffering from kidney problems or have weak kidneys you should refrain from getting this procedure done as the dye can cause damage to already weak kidneys.

4. Furthermore you should refrain from this test if you are allergic to iodine. Since the dye is made up of this substance, it is crucial you inform the doctor about your allergies.

5. If you have any sexually transmitted diseases, you should refrain from getting this test done.

There are many rumors about the test being painful, however, no pain is caused and the patient is completely awake and in their full senses at the time of the test.

pregnancy (Third trimester)

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