You have spent nine months eating well and nurturing the baby inside you, and when this little bundle of joy arrives, you may notice that you have put on a bit of baby weight as you were eating to ensure you have enough nutrition to allow your baby to grow and be healthy. When your baby is born, you may find that you have a bit of extra weight that you weren’t expecting. There are a great many benefits to a postpartum exercise routine once your baby is born.
Not only can a postpartum exercise routine benefit you by allowing you to lose the weight you had put on while carrying your baby. This is of course a great way to make you look good, but you may not realize all the other benefits of getting some exercise after your baby is born.
Having a new baby can be quite stressful, and when under stress, some women tend to eat and put on weight. When you are at home caring for your baby, you may find yourself eating more too. By getting into a good exercise routine, you can avoid eating junk food, gain the benefit of the exercises you are doing, and have the added benefit that exercise has in reducing stress. Good exercise can reduce stress and provide you with a way to let off some of the steam of what may be a stressful time in your life with a new baby.
Also, some postpartum exercise classes enable you to bring your baby along to classes and incorporate your baby into an exercise routine. These mom and baby exercise classes allow you to spend some time with your baby while gaining the benefits of an exercise class. You can build and tone your muscles without having to find a babysitter! Classes that allow you to bring your baby and perhaps use its weight as resistance training can enable you to bond with your baby and still get some exercise while doing so.
Another option is to buy a jogging stroller and take your baby out with you when you run. This is great for the baby as well, as many babies enjoy the motion and will even fall asleep while you run, so you get a naptime in as well for your baby. Whatever your postpartum exercise routine entails, you will benefit not only by alleviating some stress and enjoying more time with your baby, but your health will also improve.
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