Friday, July 31, 2020

Conceive A Girl Baby - Techniques That Work

There are two medical procedures that can help you to conceive a girl. The IVF or In Vitro Fertilization method and the Microsort method. Even though these methods are highly effective in picking the gender of a baby, they can’t guarantee the gender of the baby. They have a success rate of around 98-99%.

One popular natural method for having a girl is called the Shettles method. In this method you determine the days on which you are ovulating by making a chart and tracking your cycle monthly. Before ovulation, your cervical mucus is elastic and watery with a consistency of egg white that is raw. By doing the chart, you should be able to know exactly when you are ovulating.

Chart your basal body temperature every day before getting up in the morning. Be as still as possible when doing this to get a very accurate reading. The reason is because when you begin to ovulate, your temperature will go up. So it is best to be extra careful when performing this each day.

Monitor the timing and how often you will have intercourse with your partner. This allows you to use Shettles method that is based upon a fact that male sperm is faster at the start but smaller than the female sperm which can last longer. Boy sperm has Y chromosome and girl sperm has X chromosome, so we need more X’s to possibly enter the egg to have a girl. Also, the girl sperm is larger than the boy sperm even if it is slower.

With regards to sex, try a more gentle action and avoid having an orgasm (for women). Simply because an orgasm makes you produce a substance that is more alkaline and it favors boy sperm. The contractions during an orgasm will propel boy sperm faster up to the egg which is unfortunate for the girl sperm that travels slow.To be gentle, try just a shallow penetration to release the sperm at the entrance of a woman’s vagina.

Proper diet during the period when a couple is trying to conceive helps a lot because it plays an important role to select the gender of your baby. Eating an acidic diet favors the conception of a girl child. You must include acidic foods like celery and mushroom in your diet to increase the chances of having a baby girl. Also include lots of calcium and magnesium-rich foods in your diet.

Examples are nuts like cashews and almonds, beans, vegetables like broccoli and spinach, oatmeal, tofu and yogurt. Stay away from potassium and salt if you are trying to maintain a calcium and magnesium-rich diet in your body. Avoid foods like potatoes, bread and pastries, olives, anchovies, shrimp, smoked salmon, processed meats, bacon and salami.

Following these simple tips will help you change your body’s inner environment to favor the conception of a girl baby.

pregnancy (Third trimester)

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