Divorce rates being what they are, nowadays, fewer people are entering the state of matrimony. The mature and the brave hearts who do, after a balanced courtship, are not always young or fertile. True, a majority of these opt out of parenthood by choice. Since the turn of the century, more and more such couples have found greater fulfillment in their work, hobbies and togetherness than ever before. And children have played little or no part in their lives.
At first it may seem strange when you hear a young wife express fear over what a pregnancy may do to her physical appearance, or the man opting for a better quality of life, and travelling around the world, in preference to being “saddled” with parenthood. “Where is the guarantee that after all the years of sweat and toil, the child will grow up to be someone we can be proud of?” either of the two are likely to retort. Initially, you may find this hard to accept but as reality sinks in, you realize that no matter what their personal upheavals, they remain steadfast in their resolve, and by appearance and disposition, they appear content and happy.
Fortunately, this is not about them. This has to do with the other millions of couples for whom the birth of a child symbolizes not only their own love and union but the beginning of a joyous companionship. Hopefully, this will keep them together happily for life. According to the popular journal, Psychology Today: “Conventional wisdom dictates that people become parents because children bring joy.” With the breakdown of the large family system years ago, the more conservative set of parents still believe that true happiness lies more in a small family growing up together now than waiting in vain for an unforeseeable future.
Yet nature displays its cruelest form when it deprives a woman of her right to motherhood. Not being able to bear a child is markedly different from choosing not to have one. Every woman, the world over, offers a silent prayer in the hope that she does not face any fertility problems. These can cause difficulty in her pregnancy, whenever the occasion arises. Besides their personal anxiety and discomfiture, these women are considered “barren” and often looked down upon in more orthodox societies.
The often asked question remains: “What is Infertility?” Infertility can simply be described as the inability to get pregnant after one year of regular, unprotected sexual activity. This is a phenomenon that affects almost 15% of couples around the world. It is mostly attributed to numerous irregularities in the reproductive tract and a disproportion secretion of hormones by the glands.
According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine almost 85%-90% of all infertility cases are treated either by medication or reproductive organ surgery. Since the cause of female infertility has much to do with ovulation, the Mayo Clinic, USA, reaffirm that fertility drugs are their main line of treatment. These will, naturally, depend on the cause and extent of the problem, and the age of the patient and the spouse.
Other points that deserve consideration are:
1. That since the chances of your conception reduce with advancing years, it is essential to practice healthy habits from the beginning. Medical science frowns upon any addiction to alcohol. smoking or unhealthy diets.
2. It is essential that you shed all negative thoughts. A positive mindset is considered an essential element In helping fertility,
3. And, an excessive amount of environmental toxins like lead and aluminum can directly affect your reproductive system and such exposure must be avoided at all costs.
This may mean little if you have been through all this before… and are still struggling to conceive.. In that case it is not too late for you to learn that there are other ways, both conventional and natural, to increase fertility in women, with no side effects. These are the methods that have stood the test of time and brought relief to millions of people around the world. They are backed with thousands of hours of expertise in Holistic and Chinese medical research. And besides being inexpensive, they are simple to apply.
Sadly, with millions of dollars being spent on advertising ineffective medical systems, most couples who need help desperately, are not even aware that this form of Alternate Medicine actually exists.
Remember. whether it is hope or desperation that has got you going, it is fairly common place for couples and individuals, diagnosed with infertility, to get pregnant naturally. All you need is the right treatment… and an open mind.
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