Diet and nutrition are long known to affect the physical and mental health of individuals. It can also affect fertility in couples, and the wrong foods can lead to troubles with conception.
A number of research studies and clinical trials have proved the effectiveness of consuming some dietary nutrition to increase the chances of conception and to maintain a healthy pregnancy.
After years of studies and research, the term “fertility diet” has been coined. It’s what constitutes all the essential nutrients required for the overall health of Mom (and Dad) in order to prepare the reproductive system for pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Essentials of a Successful Fertility Diet
Fertility specialists believe that the consumption of a diet of certain foods increases the chances of successful pregnancy and the post-partum period. Moreover, a this diet also improves the overall health of your baby and helps in prevention of congenital defects and abnormalities.
General concepts of a fertility diet include:
- Consumption of healthy calories that eliminates unnecessary sugar and simple carbohydrates.
- Increasing the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Limiting the intake of animal proteins
- Consuming meat that is well-cooked, fresh and free from parasitic infestations.
- Do not eat raw fish and seafood like oysters and sushi, since they are potentially high in industrial pollution and mercury
Rich in Antioxidants
Anti-oxidants are substances or nutrients that help in fighting or neutralizing free radicals or reactive oxygen that is produced in the body as a result of normal metabolic processes. These free radicals are capable of destroying or damaging sensitive cells like egg and sperms that can affect essential processes like fertilization, implantation and cell division.
Rich dietary sources include cantaloupe, red and green pepper, oranges and other citrus fruits, tomato, cabbage and kiwi.
Vitamin C and Vitamin E supplements can improve sperm motility and is now widely prescribed in men who have more than 50% immotile semen.
Organic Food
Organic food is rich in natural dietary nutrients that provides sufficient calories, fiber, vitamins and minerals. A recent study from Stanford University has indicated there is no nutritional benefit between organic and conventional grown food.
However, one of the reasons why a couple is infertile could be the build-up of toxins, artificial hormones and pesticides in the body due to a factory-farm diet.
Eating organic not only means eating healthier food with less chemicals, it also means eating fresher foods grown in a more natural environment, which gives you that extra edge to increasing your fertility.
Furthermore, practice these choices:
- Preference of organic food over processed foods
- Preference of grass-fed meat over farm animals.
- Fresh leafy vegetables over canned vegetables
Nutritional Herbs and Supplements
Increasing the intake of dietary nutrients is recommended in women who are under-nourished, under-weight or anemic… or if you eat a lot of fast food, which is also deficient in nutrients.
However, virtually any woman who is planning to conceive can start dietary supplements like iron, calcium, folate and multi-vitamins after discussing with your primary healthcare provider.
What Should You Avoid If You Are Planning To Concieve?
Research conducted under Harvard University and published in Obstetrics & Gynecology journal concluded that merely by changing diet and some lifestyle habits, the rate of infertility can be decreased up to 80% and more. A few recommendations suggested by experts and healthcare providers are:
Alcohol consumption greatly affects the overall health and increases the production of free radicals. Experts recommend quitting alcohol consumption and smoking long before you decide to plan your family.
Excessive alcohol consumption is a known risk factor for miscarriage, fetal alcohol syndrome, low birth weight babies and infertility.
Excessive consumption of caffeine affects the hormonal balance in interferes with neurotransmitters in the body. It is strongly recommended to limit caffeine intake when you are planning to conceive – about 1 cup a day, or 200 mg of caffeine. High caffeine levels are a significant risk factor that may lead to miscarriage or issues with conception.
If you are experiencing difficulty in conceiving, quit caffeinated beverages altogether.
Fruit juices and soda drinks:
Soda drinks, fizzy drinks and juices should be limited mainly because of the high sugar content. Avoiding these beverages will only help optimize your metabolism by regulating insulin levels.
Junk Food:
Sure, it’s bad for you (why else would they call it junk food?), but these are the reasons why: fast food and snacks contain high levels of sodium and refined sugar. They also contain “bad” fats due to deep frying, as well as additives and preservatives that can disrupt hormone levels.
Finally, when you eat too much junk food, it means a meal where you don’t eat healthy fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meat, all of which have vitamins and trace minerals to contribute to your overall nutrition.
Many women get pregnant without problems, and don’t have to worry about fertility diets and changing their lifestyle habits too much. However, if you are over wise healthy and still can’t get pregnant, a change in your diet is the first step to trying to become more fertile.
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