Morning sickness plagues many pregnant women, so you are not alone. While it can be a nuisance, morning sickness may only last a few weeks. The length and intensity vary from mother to mother, so you will need to pay close attention to your body to find out how your body is responding to your new baby.
What is Morning Sickness?
Doctors are not completely sure what causes morning sickness, but they think it may be due to a spike in the mother’s hormones early in pregnancy. Morning sickness often starts during the sixth week and lasts through the twelfth week. However, for some women, it may continue throughout the pregnancy.
Unfortunately, the term ‘morning sickness’ is not accurate for many women. You may feel sick at any time of day, not just when you wake up.
Know Your Body
Once you start to experience an upset stomach, start tracking when you have the most problems. Is it right when you wake up? Do you feel sick shortly after lunch? Keep a record of when you feel sick and what you were doing at the time. This may help you and your doctor to find natural ways of alleviating your sickness.
Eat Regularly
While you may be tempted to stay away from food, it may help to eat a little bit when you feel sick. This will give your stomach something to focus on rather than churning away on nothing. Some women have had luck eating a few saltine crackers as soon as they wake up. Others rely on protein-based dishes to help them cope.
It may take you a while to find a food that works for you. Just keep trying new things to see what helps. It is important that you stay hydrated while getting the nutrients that you and your baby need.
Take Some Time Off
If you are working during your pregnancy, you may need to call in sick a few times. Your morning sickness could make it impossible for you to make it to work in the mornings, so you need to be prepared to take some time off. This will give you some time to rest, which is something that your body craves when it is focused on growing a baby.
Talk to Your Doctor
If nothing else seems to help alleviate your morning sickness, then talk to your doctor. He may give you permission to use some natural or herbal remedies, such as ginger or peppermint. There are also a few medicines that are safe to take during pregnancy that can settle your stomach.
In some cases, morning sickness is something that a woman experiences despite trying various remedies. If this sounds like you, then just take it easy. Lie down and relax, and focus on how happy you will be when your baby arrives.
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