Friday, September 18, 2020

If I Get Pregnant During My Menstrual Period Will I Have A Boy Or Girl?

I sometimes hear from folks who had hoped to become pregnant by having sex during their menstrual period. And many wonder if this practice makes it more likely for them to have a girl or boy baby. I heard from someone who said: “my husband and I are trying to conceive but we don’t always have the luxury of having intercourse any time that we want. My husband travels for business and is often home sporadically. Sometimes he doesn’t know his schedule beforehand so we just have to take advantage of the situation when it presents itself. Last week, we had sex during my period. I am wondering if having sex at this time in my cycle favors a boy or a girl. I’d like to conceive a girl baby, but I’m not sure if it’s going to be possible.” Unfortunately, this timing was certainly not ideal. I will tell you why below.

Although It’s Not Impossible To Conceive While On Your Period, It Is Extremely Unlikely: I won’t tell you that no one ever gets pregnant when they have sex during their period because they most certainly do. But it’s relatively rare. Here’s why. A woman can only become pregnant if she has sex after her egg is released and is ready to be fertilized. (This time period is called ovulation. The egg can only live for a very short period of time. If there are no sperm present during this time, the woman won’t have the opportunity to become pregnant until the next month when a new egg is released.

Most women ovulate relatively close to mid way through their cycle. 14 days after the start of your period is about average, but the range is wide. Some women ovulate very early and some ovulate late. I didn’t ovulate until 20 days after my period so I tend to be late but different women have different cycles.

A man’s sperm can live for up to five days. So theoretically, if this woman was someone who ovulated very early in her cycle and the sperm lived also, then pregnancy was possible. Keep in mind though that just because the sperm is successfully introduced during your ovulation, this is not a guarantee that you will automatically become pregnant, although you do have a chance of that happening.

If You Were To Conceive During Your Period, Which Gender Is More Likely?: Just for the sake of argument, let’s assume that this woman did become pregnant, as unlikely as this might have been. Based on timing alone, a girl baby might be more likely. The reason for this is that the boy producing sperm (the Y chromosomes) do not live for very long. And since we know that the sperm had to have been released days before ovulation occurred, it’s likely that some of the shorter lived boy sperm would have died off by the time that ovulation happened and the egg was released.

However, even though some would have died off, that doesn’t mean that all of them would. And timing isn’t the only thing that affects gender. The woman’s vaginal PH, the presence of a female orgasm, and sexual positions used also come into play. And I didn’t know any information about any of these variables.

So to answer the question posed, although you are very unlikely to become pregnant during your period, based on timing alone, this scenario would favor a girl baby. However, a very alkaline PH, using deep penetration, or the woman having an orgasm are all things that can help to tip the odds for a boy baby. Which is why it is difficult to predict this unless you know more information about all of the variables.


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