Saturday, September 19, 2020

Preparing for Pregnancy: Making a Pre-Conception Plan

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The best time to prepare for pregnancy is before you conceive. So many major lifestyle changes accompany pregnancy and baby’s first years, and jumping in headfirst can create unneeded stress in your life. Have a stress-free pregnancy by tackling some of those lifestyle changes before you start trying to conceive.

Repurpose Those New Year’s Resolutions

If you already had plans to lose weight or to quit smoking, now is the time to begin. Dieting in particular is difficult – if not downright impossible, and in many cases dangerous – to do while pregnant. Exercise options are limited during pregnancy as well. Lifestyle changes can be stressful, and waiting until your conception schedule kicks in doesn’t lessen the blow of letting bad habits go.

Some good habits to start long before conception include diet (not just dieting). It’s difficult to switch from preservative-packed breakfast bars or artificially colored yogurt in favor of the blander natural alternatives. This becomes even more difficult once you start the baby-stuff rush, preparing for the baby shower, birth, and first few years of the child. A change in diet takes getting used to, so start early.

It’s Never Too Early to Baby-Safe the House

Baby-proofing the house means more than just outlet covers and stairway gates. There are some things you’ll need that you almost certainly will not receive at the baby shower. You will want to start replacing harsh chemical cleaners with alternatives that don’t end up in the air. Switch from spray-on degreasing cleaner to a natural citrus concentrate liquid, plan to replace chemical air fragrances with simple scented candles or fresh flowers.

Check your cosmetics for safety, as well. Many women love to look good and pamper themselves during pregnancy and high self-confidence is definitely healthy. Some cosmetics and hair styling products, on the other hand, are not very healthy at all. Various skin creams, moisturizers, hair sprays, hair dye, nail polish – you never know what types of nasty chemicals are hiding in these everyday products. Many are safe, others not so much, so run your list of styling products by your physician to make sure everything is up to par for pregnancy.

These changes may not sound very fun, but they’re a lot less fun when your back and feet are aching from pregnancy and the doctor visits start piling up and you get that “I want my life back!” feeling. Make a few small changes before you conceive and rest assured knowing that your baby will receive the gift of life under the best possible circumstances.


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