Saturday, June 27, 2020

10 Tips for A THIN Holiday!

Well ’tis the season – I can’t believe the holidays are almost here already!

This year I would like to be proactive and help you all prepare for the season’s challenges – overindulgence, overeating, lazing around etc. etc. (I think you get the picture!).

Here are my TOP 10 Tips to help you STAY HEALTHY but STILL have a bit of FUN during the holidays:

Tip 1: Identify the difference between physical and emotional hunger. Make sure that your eating out of physical hunger at least 80% of the time – this is the one where the tummy growls!

Tip 2: Sit down when you eat. You’d be surprised how many calories are consumed while preparing, standing, and socializing. Be conscious of what you put in your mouth!

Tip 3: Put all of your food on one plate. I find when everything is on one plate you can actually see what you’re eating – so you’re more aware and less tempted to eat emotionally!

Tip 4: Eat as if you are in full view of others. There is a lot of sneaking that goes on during the holidays. Whether it’s sneaking from others or sneaking from yourself – make sure you’re honest and at ease with everything you’re eating.

Tip 5: Allow yourself some treats. When we restrict, deprive, or avoid foods we LOVE, we set ourselves up for binging (overindulging) – so rather moderate your treats!

Tip 6: Take leftovers home. A lot of the time we overeat because we want to taste everything. Remember, there is always tomorrow – so if something looks good, but you’re full, pack it up and eat it tomorrow.

Tip 7: Say NO! If you don’t want to eat something, don’t eat it! A lot of the time we eat things because we feel bad for our hosts. We worry that our hosts are going to get their feelings hurt if we don’t eat all that they’ve prepared for us – don’t do this (just be diplomatic)!

Tip 8: Forgive yourself. If you eat too much on one occasion, don’t beat yourself up over it. Remember, you always have tomorrow to get back on track, just don’t make a habit out of it!

Tip 9: Move your muscles. Use every opportunity you can to get in a little exercise, like walking to the store instead of driving or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I know that things are really busy this time of year – the little things make a difference!

Tip 10: Dress up, go out, and focus on having FUN!!!

Happy Holidays!


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