Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Planned Parenthood Video

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Wondering how to get pregnant? It’s not as basic as it seems! Pregnancy takes a number of days, and there are lots of actions. Here are the fundamentals of how pregnancy works.

To get more information about pregnancy, check out https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/how-pregnancy-happens


Pregnancy is a quite amazing procedure– all of it starts with sperm and an egg.

Sperm are tiny, tiny cells that are made in testicles. Sperm cells blend with other fluids to make semen, which spurts out of your penis when you ejaculate.

Eggs live in ovaries, and the hormonal agents that manage your menstruation cause eggs to mature on a monthly basis. These hormones also make the lining of your uterus thick and spongy, to get ready for a possible pregnancy.

Every month, one mature egg leaves your ovary– this is called ovulation. That egg travels through your fallopian tube, which takes about 12 — 24 hours.

If semen enters into your vaginal area, sperm can swim up through your cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes, looking for an egg. Sperm cells can reside in your body for as much as 6 days waiting for an egg to show up. Millions of sperm come out during each ejaculation– but it only takes 1 sperm to meet an egg, which can result in pregnancy.

When a sperm cell joins with an egg, it’s called fertilization. After that happens, the fertilized egg starts to divide into increasingly more cells and moves towards your uterus.

If the ball of cells connects to the spongy uterine lining, pregnancy officially begins– this is called implantation. Up to half of all fertilized eggs naturally do not implant– they pass out of your body during your period.

When the ball of cells implants into your uterine lining, your body starts making pregnancy hormones. These hormones keep your uterine lining in location so it can nourish the pregnancy– that’s why you do not get your period when you’re pregnant.

But if sperm and egg don’t fulfill up, or a fertilized egg does not implant into your uterus, the lining isn’t needed, and it drains of your vagina. That’s your duration.

It actually takes a lot of steps for pregnancy to take place, and up to 2-3 weeks.


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