Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Does My Diet Matter If I'm Trying to Pick My Baby's Gender?

Can I eat specific things to conceive a certain baby gender?

The answer is a resounding YES!

Your diet has a huge impact on your entire body. And in terms of managing baby gender selection, it is THE most important factor for one simple reason. It is the main factor which affects your pH level. Sounds complicated? You’ll be alright, just allow me to explain for a minute…

You see, your pH level is how scientists and chemists measure if a certain thing (in this case you!)is acidic or an alkaline. For example, juices like lemon or orange is considered acidic. And things like baking soda, that’s alkaline.

So the next question is, “Why will it matter if my body is acidic or alkaline?” Well, different sperms will do better in different environments. And because they are “boy and girl” sperms, it’s important to know how to ensure that you help promote the type of sperm you want to get the baby you desire.

You see,

1) Boy sperm are small, fast and kinda fragile.

2) Girl sperm are big, slower and much tougher.

Which means, girl sperms can tolerate a more acidic environment better than the boy sperms can.

Which also means that if you know how to optimize your diet to obtain a preset pH level, you can definitely swing the odds in your favor. The ideal scenario is to test your pH level 45 to 60 days prior to start trying to conceive. It will give you just enough time to change/adjust your pH level if needed.


Is active pre-selection of the gender of a baby “proper”?

Well, first and foremost, this is a question which isn’t exactly the water cooler type talk but word of mouth had caused it to spread over the last 5 to 10 years. And when I mean “proper”, I mean acceptable or ethical. I know that many of you may feel awkward discussing gender selection. I’m sure we all agree that this isn’t something we learn about in our 7th grade biology class. But is it ethical? Is it the right thing to do? Well, when I first decided to research into baby gender selection in my first few years,

I do admit, there were nights I tossed and turned, doing some searching, wondering if what I was about to do morally sound, socially acceptable and the right thing to do. Maybe it was my old fashion upbringing but well, I decided to take a stand. I knew deep in my heart that if I could perfect my methods, if I could be so sure it would help people, then I would share my secrets with the world. And I did and I have. And my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.

I have seen many mothers disappointed with the sex of their baby, some to a point of severe post natal depression to even the extent of mild abuse. And it has been heartbreaking seeing them go through that, both the mother and baby.

So today, my aim is to help people, mothers, families just like you, to achieve the perfect family, the one that becomes the envy of friends. I believe deep down in my heart that there is absolutely nothing wrong with baby gender selection, the only issue is what the person’s intentions are.

For instance, if you are looking to have a baby girl or boy because you already have several children of the other gender, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Let’s face it, everyone wants a baby boy and girl, it’s only natural. Or even if you don’t have any children, you only want your one child to specifically be a boy or girl. There is nothing wrong with that either.



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