Did you know that observations of the cervical mucus are 98.5 per cent accurate when it comes to determining the time of your ovulation? You just need to know what it is like and you will be able to tell the time when you are most fertile. Find out more about this symptom of ovulation and how to use it to
Cervical mucus follows different stages, so paying close attention can help you to tell if you are experiencing ovulation or not. During ovulation it is clearer and more slippery. It is watery and thin almost like a fluid. You can easily spot it on the toilet paper. There is no need to use special observation methods.
Fertile cervical mucus acts much like seminal liquid. Sperm need to live in the seminal liquid in order to move and mature, or they will otherwise die. Once the sperm are released into the vagina, they use it to continue along their way. There are only a few days each month in which a woman is fertile. During this time, the cervix will secrete the mucus that is needed for conception.
When trying to get pregnant, some women have a difficult time telling the vaginal discharge and cervical mucus apart. The cervical mucus actually changes characteristically throughout the menstrual cycle. Just after ovulation, the amount of cervical mucus that is released is much less than it is during ovulation. Once the menstrual cycle is over, the mucus will dry out and the vagina will feel drier.
When ovulation occurs, the mucus will be more transparent. It will also appear wet and somewhat elastic. It is often described as an egg white texture. This is the period of time in which a woman is most fertile. The mucus during this time period is one of the best ways to notice ovulation.
There are a few ways in which you can increase its amount that your body produces. This can help make it a lot easier for you to conceive. There are a few pills that women take in order to do this, but this should only be done under the direct supervision of a doctor. There are also some natural methods that can be used to increase the amount of cervical mucus. The natural methods are usually the safest way to go.
Keep an eye on your cervical mucus to tell the time of your ovulation every month. Keep in mind that stress can cause a reduction in it. Hence, staying positive and relaxed is essential.
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