When you make attempts to get pregnant, each and every small sign of the miracle happening will count. One of the signs that many women expect is implantation cramping. Find out more about it, its reliability as a pregnancy indicator and its effects.
What Is It?
Implantation cramping is usually felt by women that are in the early stages of their pregnancy. Generally, it happens when the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. It can continue until implantation is complete. The symptoms are very similar to what a woman feels when she is about to get her period. Sometimes these cramps are severe enough to cause the woman pain and other times they are hardly noticed. It is not known what causes it and whether it plays a role in the conception process.
When Does It Appear?
Some women say that they feel cramping on the next day after their ovulation and they believe that it is a certain sign of conception given that they have had intercourse. The reality, however, is that an egg gets implanted into the lining of the uterus between 6 and 10 days after it has been released by the ovary. This period does not change when the egg is fertilized. This means that you can expect cramps around a week after conception.
Most women that experience this type of cramping want to know how long it is going to last. The good news is that it will only last for a few days. If you are not pregnant, and are worried about these cramps being an issue if you were to get pregnant, then stop worrying now. They are not severe, and it usually goes away within a few days.
Should You Worry?
Cramping during the first part of pregnancy is in fact normal. It happens in just over 30 percent of all pregnancies. Bleeding is also common, but only if it is a few spots. There should not be a lot of bleeding. If you begin feeling cramps and assume that you may be pregnant, then you might want to go ahead and take a pregnancy test. If cramping gets severe, however, you should seek medical help. The same applies to bleeding as well.
Is It a Certain Sign of Pregnancy?
Implantation cramping only occurs when the woman is pregnant and the zygote is trying to implant into the wall of the uterus. However, you can experience the same cramps if you are about to have your period. Some medical conditions may cause cramping as well, including cysts, inflammation, and constipation.
Generally, implantation cramping is not a certain sign of pregnancy as it may actually have a different cause.
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