Once a couple gets married, they start to think about having children and starting a family of their own. There are so many factors that can get in the way of this, however. The important thing is to keep trying. It can take quite some time to get pregnant. Use some practical information and advice to help you with this.
The Menstrual Cycle
Every woman who is trying to conceive should know how her menstrual cycle works. It lasts 28 days on average, but it can be shorter and longer as well. The chances of a woman getting pregnant are higher during the first 13 to 20 days of the menstrual cycle before ovulation occurs. They are the highest two days before and one day after ovulation. That is why it is essential for a woman who is trying to get pregnant to follow her menstrual cycle and to make attempts during this short period.
Determining Ovulation
There are different ways in which the time of ovulation can be predicted. One of the most effective methods is detecting the appearance of the clear and watery cervical mucus, which appears right before ovulation. You can also take down your internal body temperature every day and use a chart which will help you identify the changes associated with ovulation. There are special test kits that can be used at home. They work in similar way to pregnancy tests and re generally considered to be effective.
There are various factors which can affect the fertility of women and men. In women, fertility declines with age. The rate of decline is different for every woman, however. Certain medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis can also have an adverse effect. Lifestyle factors like too low or too high weight, smoking, alcohol use and stress can also reduce fertility.
The fertility of men generally declines at a lower rate compared to that of women. The quality of the sperm, however, may be affected by a lot of other factors. These include medical conditions like diabetes, injuries of the testicles and sexually transmitted diseases. Alcohol and drugs can also have an adverse effect on male fertility.
When to See a Doctor
It is a good idea for the couple to talk to their doctor before you start making attempts to conceive. You will get the personal information and advice that you require. The doctor may want to run some tests to ensure that there are no conditions which may affect the attempts and possibly the fetus in case of conception.
If you have been trying to conceive for over a year and your attempts have been unsuccessful, you should see your doctor again.
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