I sometimes hear from women who are concerned about making dietary changes in the quest to choose their baby’s gender. They are worried about the health of their egg and if their new their diet might weaken it.
A common comment might be something like: “I want a baby boy. And I understand that in order to do this, I need to eat foods that will make my PH more alkaline. But will this type of diet weaken my eggs? I am pretty sure that diet is important to egg health.” I will address this concern in the following article.
What Contributes To Egg Health: It was once thought that the single most important factor to the health of your eggs was their age. It was assumed that as long as a woman was young, she should have very healthy eggs. But it was also thought that if she were old or aging, then the opposite was true. The thought process regarding this has evolved over time. Now, most specialists agree that a variety of things contribute to the health of a woman’s eggs including the egg’s age, blood flow, oxygenation, and the woman’s hormones, nutrition, and stress levels.
In terms of blood flow and oxygenation, two of the best things that you can do is to drink enough water (8 glasses per day) and to participate in gentle to moderate exercise. Some experts even suggest abdominal massage in order to increase blood flow and oxygenation. In terms of hormonal health, you’ll want to avoid xenohoromones. These are meats and dairy products that have been treated with artificial hormones or fruits and vegetables treated with excess pesticides. Eating organic foods when you’re trying to conceive can be a good idea, particularly if you have concerns about your ability to become pregnant.
Most people understand that it’s important to avoid stress in every day life. But this is especially important when you are trying to become pregnant. Go over your schedule and your life style with careful scrutiny. If there is something or someone who is causing you stress, take a break from it as often as you possibly can.
Nutritional Considerations: In terms of nutrition, it’s important to eat a balanced and healthy diet. You want to avoid things that are unhealthy like excessive caffeine, sugars, processed foods, soda, alcohol and trans fats. Frankly, all of these are things that you should avoid if you’re trying to become pregnant anyway. Also, there are thought to be some “super foods” in terms of egg health. Luckily, there are super foods that are both alkaline and acidic. Since this person wanted a boy baby, she wanted a diet that included lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Two foods that are wonderful for your eggs are decidedly alkaline. These are broccoli and dark leafy greens. (Note though that not all fruits and vegetables contribute to an alkaline PH. Some actually make you more acidic. Berries are one of the super foods and it is a fruit. But many berries contribute to your being acidic rather than alkaline, so you’ll want to be careful. )
But to answer the question posed, an acidic or alkaline diet doesn’t need to affect the health of your egg. Many of the foods that are detrimental to your eggs aren’t healthy anyway and are the foods that our doctors advise us to avoid in our every day life. You don’t want to be consuming processed or unhealthy foods regardless of which gender you want. And various foods that contribute to egg health fall on both sides of the spectrum.
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