Tuesday, June 16, 2020

All You Needed to Know About Abortion

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Abortion is the term which is used to describe the termination of pregnancy in human beings, usually deliberately, leading to the killing of the fetus in the womb so that child birth does not take place. The termination of pregnancy can either occur instinctively or can be persuaded. When it occurs spontaneously, it is known as a miscarriage whereas when it occurs on will or is induced, it is called an abortion.

Why abortion?

There can be many reasons for a person to opt for an abortion. It can be either due to unplanned pregnancies or in cases where the parents are not willing to have a child due to any reason. Abortion can also be done if the pregnancy is ought to have a negative impact on the mother’s health.

It is also a policy of some countries to have a single child per family so that their population can be controlled. In such cases also abortion is done. Whereas in some developing countries, abortions are done deliberately and without the consent of the mother after knowing that the unborn child is a girl. This is especially done in people of low socio-economic status wherein it is believed that having a female child in the family will increase the financial burden on the parents.

Is it legal?

Well, worldwide different countries have different rules for abortion. It is legalized in some countries while in others it is regarded as a crime and is even punishable under their law. In countries where the population is large and is increasing many folds per year, abortion is legal and is actually a way to have a stop on the ever increasing burden of people on the economy. Whereas in many South-East Asian countries, killing of the female fetus is not legal. This is the reason why sex determination of the child before birth is illegal in these countries.

Things to be kept in mind

While abortion and its concept might be criticized by many, you need to look at the total scenario. Firstly, make sure that the proper procedure is followed when it comes to undergoing an abortion. The health and life of the woman might be at risk.

Whatever may be the reason behind an abortion, it should always be kept in mind that it should be done safely under proper aseptic conditions so that if not the child, at least the mother is not harmed.



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