Thursday, June 18, 2020

Fertility Evoluton: Tuning Into Grandmother Wisdom to Support Your Fertility, Pregnancy and Baby

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Our Understanding Of Fertility

It may seem that your fertility story is something that ‘happens’ to you, something you don’t really have any power to change. This is especially true if you have experienced loss, have a fertility diagnosis or if you have been trying to conceive for a while.

It can easily happen that the loss, for example, or time ticking comes to take up a huge space in our consciousness and we begin to forget our original excitement and wonder around the prospect of becoming a mother.

This relationship with our fertility has come about because of the focus of education on the planet over the last centuries. We have learned about our fertility through the lens of science seeking to understand human reproduction.

In school, a woman’s body is explored predominantly from this perspective. This is understandable given that fact that most of these scientists have, in the past, been male and never experienced menstruation, childbirth or loss directly.

So many of us have come to believe that the purpose of the female body, our cycles and development are only about our capacity to have a baby. On the outside that would appear to be true especially in a world that is concerned only with what is measurable and visible.

But your fertility story and your relationship with it is not just about having a baby or not having one.

Grandmother Wisdom

Your fertility and your female body are even more precious than that! The truth is that your fertility is a powerful guide nudging you into your empowerment and transformation. Because we don’t understand that, sometimes the nudging turns into pushing until we surrender to what really wants to be born. I know this was true in my own case.

How many of us had empowered Grandmothers come to share their stories of womanhood and how your cycle and flow can help you navigate along your unique path? None that I know of.

But if this had happened, it would have set us up for a new relationship with our fertility, one that invited us to explore our emotions, the hidden guidance within them and the wisdom of the female body.

Female Nourishment

There was a time on the planet when women came together to menstruate around the new moon. They would gather in the red tent, take time out for their usual responsibilities and duties and be with their flow.

Young women were welcomed into the tent and had a place to process and experience both the physical and emotional release of the menstrual cycle. They had Grandmother guidance all around.

You can begin to reconnect now with the wisdom and power of the emotions that are coming up around your fertility by listening to my audio below.


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