Friday, June 5, 2020

Having a Caesarian Is Not completion of the World!

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It’s a caesarian, not the end of the world!

As a mother of two young boys, I never ever got the possibility to deliver them naturally. It was a little disappointing since it’s one thing I expected. Besides having a healthy infant of course.

I was caused with my first young boy and after a few hours of labour, I was rushed into a theatre room, prepared to be cut open up to meet my baby. This wasn’t planned. My infant remained in distress!

My second, I was 38 weeks pregnant when the physician told me the amniotic fluid was low. If I provided naturally it could have caused issues and my baby could pass away! I was not going to risk my baby’s life since I hoped for a natural birth. This was my last pregnancy and I wanted another child so frantically I would do anything to keep him from harm!

I have actually had sufficient experience with pregnancies to know not all go efficiently from beginning to end. Mine were far from it.

Some women go through pregnancies with no issues at all, some have a few aches and pains, nothing to really complain about and some simply grumble for the sake of it. Then there are those that have to go through a pregnancy far worse than a couple of aches and discomforts.

I must confess, I didn’t completely delight in any of my pregnancies but I count myself so lucky. Not just because I have two healthy, delighted little boys, but also since they are here with me on Earth.

If I had healthy pregnancies throughout the 6 years we were attempting to have a child, I would have 6 children!

Experience with 3 miscarriages and a stillborn child was distressing enough for me not to even think of how my baby would be provided through my healthy pregnancies.

I gave birth naturally (though caused) to a child that was not breathing when she was born, not full term and that didn’t even appear like a healthy infant that just passed away. I needed to suffer discomfort physically and mentally with all 4 of my stopped working pregnancies.

When I experienced loss, I ended up being a thousand times more grateful for the kids I have now. I did not care how they were born, as long as they came out alive and well!

A pregnancy needs to not be something you should ignore. Pregnancy is a gift that needs to be looked after, be positive about and be happy for.

You may be the one that falls pregnant without even attempting, have a healthy pregnancy right till completion and possibly take it for given, perhaps not. Before you believe of complaining about the pains and pains you might experience here and there or that you will be disappointed if your birth plan doesn’t go to plan, believe about the numerous of us that want to fall pregnant however can’t or have attempted just to end up with heavy hearts, worry and grief.

If you’re a pregnant mom, wanting a natural birth, be open to the truth that it may not take place. It does not matter how healthy you or the infant are! Having a caesarian is not the end of the world. It’s only uncomfortable for a brief time and its absolutely nothing compared to the pain felt when losing a child, a pain that lasts a life time.


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