Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How to Get Back in Shape After a C-Section Recovery

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A sublime, marvelous, glorious, alluring, charming, delicate, appealing, lively, hearty little child! It brings huge grin on everyone’s face especially the mother! She will make you smile on your worst day, making each day special with her priceless smile. But along with this priceless smile also comes the “belly monster” I, mean to say your over hanged belly. It will make you appear pregnant even after you have delivered the baby successfully. It’s an unwelcome sight especially for a 21st century mom. It’s so embarrassing for her. Instead enjoying her newly found status ”motherhood”, she deals with how to get back her pre-pregnancy shape.

According to a research undertaken it was found that mothers who have undergone caesarean section face more challenges than mothers who have had vaginal births. Therefore, those who have delivered normally regain their strength much faster and can start working out much earlier but a c-section woman cannot because she has to follow proper recovery instructions and steps to be normal again. The women’s abdominal glands expand after the incision.

She may no longer fit into her pre-pregnancy clothes because the waistline will expand. You may miss your trendy clothes after your surgery. You desperately want to shed off all your unwanted fats. But shedding weight cannot happen overnight. It takes a mother nine months to put on all that weight so it will take a time lot more than you expect to get your lean figure back. You are not expected to expect a miracle immediately. It takes time for your body, especially your belly to fully recover from pregnancy. Do not be in a rush to lose your weight. Go steady because your body needs time to adapt to the immediate changes. Patience is the key to success. It took nine months for your midriff to expand to shelter a full- fledged baby, so it makes sense that it would take at least that long to tighten back up.

It is believed that tying a belly band on the stomach after delivery assures the uterus returns to its rightful place and also it gives excellent post partum support. Although it’s not a natural process but it’s still widely accepted and used. Breastfeeding is one of the natural ways to get back into a pre-pregnancy shape.

C-section recovery process is not as easy as getting pregnant. The incision and c-section scar healing process is very critical. Follow the doctor’s instructions carefully. Many a doctor suggests wearing an abdominal band after the incision as a way to support and protect your tender incision so that it does not tear, or open up from the extra pregnancy weight. Without abdominal binding it can feel as if your insides are going to fall out! After the surgery you will want more compression and support and this the perfect time where you need a c-section recovery belt. It will also alleviate your pain and you can focus on your baby! These belts have certain adjustable levels so you can adjust this belt according to your body’s changing size and post c-section support needs.

Your body is a gift of God and hence it’s your duty to love it, nourish it, strengthen it and when the time and place are right, flaunt it a little!! Have fun with motherhood and with being a woman!


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