Are you at the end of your rope and thinking that getting pregnant may not be in the cards for you? Are you tired of seeing and having to congratulate your friends and neighbors on their pregnancies while being upset about this not happening for you? Infertility in women is caused by many factors and one of them is weight. Weight and infertility is an important aspect to consider if you have been attempting to conceive for a long time. Could your weight be affecting your ability to conceive? Find out in this article.
Weight and Infertility
1. Obesity and fertility
Weight and infertility is an important aspect to review when a woman is suffering from fertility issues and having trouble getting pregnant. Maintaining a healthy weight is important when a woman is trying to conceive and provides the perfect healthy environment for a baby to grow.
One of the first issues to consider when discussing weight and infertility is to consider how obesity leads to fertility issues. Obesity causes a multitude of health problems and one of them is preventing a woman from getting pregnant. A woman’s fertility decreases as she puts on more and more weight. When the body mass index (BMI) is at least 30, a woman is considered obese which can be a factor when a woman is identified as having problems getting pregnant.
A high BMI also ensures that it will take a woman longer to conceive and increase the chances of suffering from pregnancy complications. Obese people have been identified as having high leptin levels. Leptin is the hormone that is responsible for regulating the amount of energy expended as well as regulating appetite. It is produced by the fatty tissues. This increased leptin level may greatly influence the ovaries’ hormone production which may interfere with fertility.
Obesity and fertility also results from the amount of insulin as well as insulin resistance that many obese people suffer from. These insulin problems are commonly found in women that suffer from polycyctic ovary syndrome (PCOS). These insulin issues also lead to type 2 diabetes which definitely affects the ability to conceive or have a normal healthy pregnancy.
Insulin problems may cause an increase in male hormones which causes many issues in obese women such as irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, excessive hair growth as well as fertility issues.
2. Being Underweight
When discussing weight and infertility, it is easy to see how being obese can affect the ability to conceive but it is important to note that infertility can be caused also when a woman is underweight. While it is currently fashionable to be stick thin and a size zero, this is not the optimum body type that will allow for easy conception.
If you exercise or diet excessively in order to look like your favorite celebrity, you may be jeopardizing your chances of getting pregnant as you will have too little body fat to enable having a baby. A certain amount of body fat is necessary to store many hormones including estrogen. When a BMI is below 19, a woman may experience disruptions in her menstrual cycle and lead to fertility issues when she stops ovulating as she loses more and more weight.
Weight and infertility is also affected by an exercise program that is too strenuous. While a woman may think that this will help her significantly lose weight in a shorter amount of time, she may also inadvertently disrupt the normal hormonal fluctuations during her period which can get in the way of normal ovulation or having a normal monthly period.
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