Pregnancy is an amazing event in a woman’s life. No matter how long or how hard we study pregnancy we will never fully understand why some women get fatigue during pregnancy. A nutritionally depleted body sets a pregnant woman up for all sorts of medical complications and symptoms such as irritability, depression and excess fatigue.
From the moment of conception the developing fetus needs lots of vitamins and minerals to ensure normal cell and organ growth and prevent congenital abnormalities. A pregnant mother needs adequate nutrition to grow both her baby and the placenta which is the life support organ for her baby.
The placenta is a living breathing organ that sustains the life of your baby. By the time you are nine months pregnant your placenta measures about 9 inches round and one inch deep and looks like a slab of liver. It allows vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, oxygen, nutrients, hormones and blood to cross from the mother’s blood supply to the developing fetus.
Mothers are care-givers by nature. During pregnancy mothers to be unconditionally and continuously give all their reserve nutrients to their offspring in an attempt to grow a healthy baby. Under normal pregnancy this is be a huge physical drain on the mother’s physical energy level and causes fatigue during pregnancy.
Prior pregnancy many men and women are depleted in vitamins and minerals because of our lifestyles and the food we eat. Vitamins and minerals are essential in building healthy cells and organs. Many miscarriages are caused by abnormal eggs and sperms due to the lack of adequate vitamins and minerals in the cells prior to conception.
Pregnant women need more sleep than normal as when they sleep there is less physical stress on the mother’s body. Therefore, sleep gives the mother a better chance of adjusting to all the demands of pregnancy.
It is very important as soon as you know you are pregnant to take vitamins and minerals, especially folic acid. Folic acid helps prevent congenital abnormalities. If you are not already supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals, then purchase some until you have an appointment with your health care provider to help prevent some of your pregnancy fatigue.
Better still, if you are planning to get pregnant, start supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals to make your body more nutritionally sound also reduces your miscarriage risk.
OK I have spoken a lot about vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and you may be wondering how could you be nutritionally depleted or even be tired if you already supplement. Well the truth is most people supplement with vitamins only and they supplement with a pill delivery system which has a very poor absorption rate. The best way to supplement is a liquid delivery system which has about a 90% absorption rate. Vitamins alone are not good enough, the body needs minerals for optimal health and minerals are necessary to absorb vitamins.
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