When many women become pregnant, they have the question, “what are the different stages of pregnancy?” This is a very common question, and can be answered fairly easily. There are three main stages of pregnancy. These include the first trimester, the second trimester and the third trimester. Each trimester has different milestones and development that takes place. It is important to learn about these different stages to know what is occurring with the baby as it grows inside the uterus. Many women like to learn about the weekly changes that are taking place with their unborn baby.
To answer the question, “What are the different stages of pregnancy?”, one can begin with the first trimester. This is the first stage of pregnancy, and usually the most sensitive. The first trimester of pregnancy occurs during the first one to twelve weeks. Many women do not know they are pregnant during the majority of this trimester. Some of the early warning signs can occur during the first stage, and subside after, or they can continue on for the duration of the pregnancy. This is the stage that is important to take prenatal vitamins to prevent birth defects. Growth is occurring rapidly, and although the belly size does not change much, the baby’s growth is important during this time.
To continue to answer, “What are the different stages of pregnancy?”, the second trimester begins the next phase in the pregnancy. This is a very important phase of development for the baby. The size of the mother’s belly grows, and this is the time frame that many people begin to notice the pregnancy. This also tends to make the conception a reality to many mother and fathers to be. The second trimester includes week 13-27. There is the most development during this period of time.
The baby’s sex can be determined after week 14 of pregnancy, during the second trimester. This is an important milestone for many new parents. They can be very excited to know the sex of their baby. This can begin the emotional bond that occurs for many fathers as well. The skeleton and bones develop as well as organs such as the uterus for girls. The baby can hear at this point, and can respond to voices. The fingernails and hair are beginning to grow. Baby can begin to make sucking motions and can swallow by the end of the second trimester. When answering, “What are the different stages of pregnancy?”, this is considered to be the middle stage.
The third and final stage of pregnancy is the third trimester. This occurs between weeks 28-40. A rapid amount of weight gain occurs during the third trimester of a pregnancy. During this time the baby’s eyes can open, and they are able to see light. This is a big milestone for the baby. When asking “What are the different stage of pregnancy?”, the third trimester is the final stage before birth. The final development occurs during this phase, and the protective coating begins to thicken before birth.
The average time period that a mother goes into labor is between 38-40 weeks of pregnancy. It is considered a normal full term pregnancy. The birth is the final phase of pregnancy ending all trimesters. Many women forget to mention the birth phase when they wonder, “What are the different stages of pregnancy?” This is an important phase, as it signifies a momentous time in any parent’s life. This day will be celebrated each year as the baby grows into a child, a teenager and then an adult. All of the development that has taken place will be apparent once the baby is born.
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