There are so many reasons that you might want to run away when you first find out that you are pregnant. This is not realistic and the goal should be that you can actually enjoy this experience for the short period of time that it lasts.
Find Ways to Be Comfortable
There are going to be times when you are not going to feel well. There are times when you might experience moderate to severe nausea or even vomiting. You will be growing much larger and will have aches, pains, and problems with swelling. However you can still look good during this time.
There are ways that you can reduce your discomfort but still look good when you need to. You do not have to worry about how you look when you are at home relaxing so use this time wisely as a time when you can wear your most comfortable clothes. You do not have to worry about any judgment and if your husband complains you can retaliate as necessary.
You should make sure that you buy some nice maternity clothing. Of course this can be a little pricey but you need to spend this money to make sure that you can look good instead of trying to get by with the clothes that you already have. While forty weeks is not a lifetime it is going too much longer when you are uncomfortable in the clothes that you are wearing.
Allow Yourself Time to Relax
Of course you want to be a good wife, a good mom, a great cook, and a perfect housekeeper. This is something that is commonly hard for anyone to do but when you are pregnant and your growing child is taking so much of your energy this is just not going to be possible.
You really need to focus on resting rather than worrying about some dirty dishes or laundry that needs to be done. There are going to be things that you will want to get done but sometimes you will find yourself without the energy to do them. This is basically Mother Nature telling you that you are doing too much and to take it easy.
You can make an easy meal or order take out and you should not feel bad about doing so as your husband should understand of this. Your body is going to be different so it would be impossible for you to do everything like you had been doing before the pregnancy.
In addition you have to make yourself happy so splurging every once in a while is no big deal. While it would not be good to call in to work all of the time, it is going to be okay to be sick once in a while. You should use this time to relax with a favorite movie and to gain as much energy as possible for the next day.
Some women really enjoy getting their hair done, having a prenatal massage, or even getting a pedicure. If you want to, do it.
Do Not Worry About Gaining Weight
You are going to gain weight and it is so important that you deal with this now. Once you are able to accept the fact that your body is going to change then you will be able to get over it and get on with your life. You are going to be much hungrier then you were before so you are going to end up eating more.
It is hard for a lot of women when they go to the doctor every two weeks or so and have to stand on the scale. Let alone the fact that you will also have to give a urine sample and answer a ton of repetitive questions at every appointment.
One good thing to try is to not even look at the scale. Tell the nurse that you do not want to know. This is nothing that will hurt you to not know especially if it is just going to end up hurting your self-esteem. While you are going to crave certain foods you should make sure that you eat as healthy as possible and that you eat often so you do not binge or overeat. When you feel up to it exercise and do not even allow yourself to give second thought to the weight that you gain.
Enjoy As Much of Your Pregnancy As You Can
You must remember that you are nourishing a baby and in the end even hurting all day long every day is going to be worth the effort. Once you start to feel the baby moving and kicking in your belly you will be reminded of how worth it this all is. There are days when you feel like it is going to last forever but in the end it is really just a short time period. Try to keep in mind that the whole pregnancy is really a miracle and really remember that one day you will miss being able to feel your little one move in this way.
While you might have a hard time believing it now, this really is one of the most special times in your life. Make yourself comfortable as often as possible and take the time to remind yourself every day that you will soon have a beautiful baby in your arms and it will all be worth it.
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