Over the years, couples have tried and tested various methods and techniques on how to conceive a boy. Techniques like the Shettles and Whelan promise to bless couples with a baby boy, but it’s not a 100% that these techniques will be a success. The techniques are more or less the same when couples seek how to conceive a girl, with some changes here and there. This article is dedicated to helping you know how to conceive a boy.
Determine the Ovulation Time:
Establishing the time of your ovulation is crucial when you’re trying to learn how to conceive a boy. The Shettles technique suggests that the couple have sexual intercourse at least 24 hours prior to ovulation and then barely 12 hours after ovulation so as to increase the chances of you conceiving for a boy. If you have sex way before your ovulation, it will radically decrease the chance of you conceiving for a boy. Timing of your intercourse with respect to ovulation becomes the most crucial factor when you wish to increase the probability of bearing a boy.
There are 3 specific methods to do this which have been given by Shettles.
Charting the Cervical Mucus
This technique for ascertaining when you will ovulate, you need to access daily your cervical mucus. Immediately ahead of you ovulating, the cervical mucus ought to be extremely watery as well as very elastic. The consistency of cervical mucus must be similar to a raw egg white.
The BBT (Basal Body Temperature) Chart
Alongside the cervical mucus chart, a BBT charting is also advised by Dr. Shettles so you can gain the maximum information to identify when precisely you will be ovulating.
To chart your BBT, you’ll need to buy the basal thermometer. When you wake up in the morning, before doing ANYTHING, first take a note of your body temperature. When you’re about to ovulate, there’ll be a spike in the body’s temperature, thereby indicating that you’ve already ovulated. If you wish to conceive a boy, then you must have sex close to ovulation and therefore you should better document this chart well in advance, for example 2 months beforehand at least, so your chances of conceiving a boy are raised!
The Ovulation Predictor Kit
Shettles recommends that every couple must buy an ovulation predictor kit to find out when exactly the woman will be ovulating. The kit detects when the woman’s body has discharged LH (i.e. Luteinizing Hormone), which is a sign of ovulation. It is recommended that you test at least 2 times every day to be sure that you know exactly when you’ll ovulate. Also, the right time to test is sometime b/w 11am & 3 pm, then again b/w 5pm & 10pm.
Sexual Position:
It is said that when you want to conceive a baby boy, there should be deep penetration by your partner; if possible the position of “doggy style” will give a good result as it will deposit sperms closer to your cervix and give quicker & aggressive moving “boy” sperms to fertilize the egg.
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