Many couples aspire for a male baby and seek the best ways to conceive a boy. Thus it is not surprising that there are a wide range of options available. The biggest challenge is in finding methods which are actually effective. Although medical science has no guarantees, there are natural methods which can increase the probability of conceiving a baby boy.
The 14th day of your ovulation cycle is the magic date which could be of great help when computed accurately. This is the day when you ovulate and having sex close to this day would increase the probability of having a baby boy.
The sperms with X chromosomes may be slow swimmers and low on agility but they have higher endurance levels and a long lifespan. They are able to cross the acidic cervix with ease on their way to fertilizing the female ovum and thus create a girl baby. On the contrary, the less robust but agile sperms with Y chromosomes are powerful swimmers and would reach the ovum far more quickly to create a baby boy.
The limitation with the Y sperms is that they have a short life span and can be destroyed by the acidic pH of the cervix. So the best option to get a boy is to decrease the distance the Y sperms have to travel to get to the egg by opting for deep penetration positions during sexual intercourse. By decreasing the effective distance that the Y sperm would need to travel, the ‘male’ sperm has a higher probability of reaching the waiting ovum first as they are faster than the X ‘female’ sperms.
Continuing to stay in a lying down position after sex can also help. The scientific basis of this interesting practice is that when you continue to lie on your back after intercourse, the faster moving ‘male’ sperm has a better chance of beating the ‘girl’ sperm in the race to the ovum.
The orgasm perspective has a strong association with gender selection. If you can focus on enhancing the pleasure and personal experience of the woman such that the woman orgasms before the man, then the probability is that you would have a baby boy.
When you orgasm some specific secretions reach the vagina and create an alkaline environment. This protects the male sperm and invariably leads to higher survival rates of this type of sperm. Thus the preferred option is to orgasm at the same time or just before your male partner.
Also men are expected to avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes because this could lead to increased destruction of ‘male’ sperms. Although the process of destruction is non-selective and could damage both types of sperms, it is the male sperm which is more commonly destroyed. This could be attributed to the fact that it is weaker and more fragile as compared to the female sperm.
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