All a layman knows about the concept of abortion is that it is the process of terminating the pregnancy of the woman which is done at her choice. But what does abortion mean to those living in the United States? How is the concept of abortion different here than in many other countries of the world? Here are a lot of surprising facts which you did not know about abortion.
1. The case that started it all
According to the American case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in all the nine months of pregnancy that a woman goes through. Initially, the States used to restrict their citizens to abort children. They were free to abort them in the first three months of the pregnancy, were slightly restricted in the second trimester, while the third trimester saw moderate restrictions imposed.
2. The number of abortions
Since the case mentioned above, there have been a whopping 55 million abortions in USA. It means that in just a little over 40 years, abortions have taken place at a rate of 1.3 million per year. And this figure means, 2 abortions per minute!
3. The curious case of New York City
New York City is certainly not a good place as far as the abortion numbers are considered. Out of all the pregnancies, a staggering 41% of them result into abortions!
4. The disturbing cases that come up
Sometimes, people are so hell-bent to kill the babies that they end their lives when the baby is actually born alive. An abortionist of Philadelphia was actually charged for killing 7 babies that were very well born alive. If the witnesses are to be believed, it is said that he killed hundreds more like this.
So what are the other important things that are to disturbing to know but well, needs to be known? Well, this isn’t the case of US but in a lot many countries, baby parts of the aborted babies are actually sold at times! Yes. As horrific as it sounds, it is very true aspect as many of the abortion clinics and hospitals sell the aborted baby parts to the medical researchers. There is a full-fledged fee card which mentions the rate at which a particular baby organ would be sold!
Since the very early ages, pretty much every substance found on the face of the earth was used to induce abortions. Unfortunately, 99.9% of those trials failed miserably and resulted in large number of death. The rest 0.1% are now considered as revolutionary ideas, such as pills.
As a matter of fact, the invention of the pills was the second biggest human accomplishment after the taming of fire!
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