Frequent urination: Having to run to the toilet several times an hour? Blame it on the HCG, as it increases blood flow to your pelvic area and the kidneys, causing increased formation of urine. Moreover, there are two bodies within one, metabolizing and producing metabolic waste. However, the metabolism is not so much a cause when the baby isn’t even breathing. Some women cut on liquids to counter this effect; bear in mind that this is certainly not recommended. The marginal improvement that this brings comes at a price. Your body and the baby’s needs water for the metabolism going on inside, and depriving yourself of liquid can be harmful in the long run. You can try skipping the diuretics however, like caffeine, which make your frequent urination even more frequent.
Fatigue: You’re working hard now. Don’t be surprised if the easiest of tasks make you short of breath. You’re now using your energy elsewhere, and this is likely to happen. The focus in the first trimester is on building the placenta. This can make you feel tired or wiped-out, but don’t fret. Continue giving yourself rest, eat right and take things easy to ease the fatigue to some extent. This fatigue is temporary; it reduces dramatically once you’re done making the link, which is at the start of the second trimester of your pregnancy. So bear with it, and go slow during the first trimester.
Breast tenderness and changes: Wondering who replaced your normal breasts with the gigantic orbs that you’re now carrying? Blame it on the hormones again; they’re triggering a flow of blood and deposition of fat in the area to make your breasts efficiently manufacture milk you’re your child when the time is ripe. To relieve the tenderness that you feel can be countered by buying yourself a maternity bra; and handle them with care. (The latter goes primarily for your partner).
Nausea: The morning sickness evolves into full-blown, all day long sickness that can cause you to go hug your toilet any time during the day without warning. Again, the hormones get the blame. The good part is that the morning sickness eases a lot once you’re through with the first trimester. It is being caused by the varying levels of hormones, coupled with the stress and other physical changes that you’re probably facing. Try staying away from the foods that intensify the nauseous feeling, and take small frequent meals. Eating right can be helpful even if you grow to hate the thought of food during this tiresome first trimester of your pregnancy.
Excessive saliva: Mouth watering and nausea, though a very improbable combination in normal situations, can occur during the first three months of your pregnancy. Don’t fret, it’s just your body generating excess saliva and making the stomach a bit queasy. Try chewing gums to help keep the mouth dry. The fact that they’re going to heal themselves once you’re through with the first three months is a comforting thought for many.
Food cravings: Whoever heard of sickness and food cravings together? Chances are that you haven’t either. However, that is exactly what happens. One moment you may be vomiting with all your might, and the next moment be craving for dark chocolate or French fries or a steak, whatever. This is your introduction to these weird feelings, and they’re to continue throughout the entire course of your pregnancy. However, don’t eat too much while catering to your cravings. Eat whatever you like, but restrict your portions. Go easy on that queasy stomach!
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