Sunday, February 21, 2021

How Much Does IVF Cost in Most Cases?

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In vitro fertilization, also known as IVF, is a fertility procedure whereby combining sperm and eggs in a laboratory, embryos are created. These embryos are later transferred to the uterus where they may implant in the uterine lining and develop. Only a select few embryos are transferred to reduce the chances of multiple births, but most often more than one embryo will be transferred per treatment cycle. There are certain tests that are used to screen embryos for certain disorders. Some patients choose to freeze unused embryos for use in future cycles.

With so much involved in the process, it’s no wonder IVF is a very expensive procedure. Each treatment cycle may run about $10,000, although some are as much as $12,000 or more per cycle. The cost varies from one clinic to the next and by region. Be sure to ask around for pricing, but wherever you choose should be fully equipped to provide you the very best and safest service and medical attention. By freezing embryos for use in future cycles, couples may reduce the price a bit on subsequent cycles.

But other ancillary procedures may add to the cost of IVF. Screening processes such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis may add about $3,500 to the cost of the treatment. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) adds about $1,500 to the cost of the treatment. The latter involves the direct injection of sperm into an egg for fertilization. This is used in cases of severe male infertility, and improves the odds of fertilizing the egg, not of the overall success of in vitro fertilization following fertilization. These procedures may benefit some couples more than others, so speak with a specialist to determine their potential benefits to you and your partner.

Also note that the $10,000 to $12,000 cost is per cycle, and a lot of IVF patients require more than one cycle before they achieve success. Women over 35 may have more trouble getting pregnant than younger women, and other factors such as the cause of infertility may contribute to the possible success rate on a per case basis. Make sure you are evaluated by a fertility specialist to determine your chances of success before deciding whether to embark on an expensive procedure such as IVF. It can be very rewarding and has helped couples and individuals around the world reach their goals, but others have not found the procedure successful.


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